Search query: networking

B2B Marketing: Facebook vs. LinkedIn [Infographic]

B2B Marketing: Facebook vs. LinkedIn [Infographic]

We have heard it in the news, and it has become quite apparent when you see all the changes that Facebook and LinkedIn are focused on lately. I am tal ...
Facebook’s Theme Song Shows Us Just How Crazy We Are

Facebook’s Theme Song Shows Us Just How Crazy We Are

In the beginning, there will be a tsunami of people who will invest in Facebook when the IPO is launched. People have started to look closely at Faceb ...
Why Social Media Isn’t A Waste Of Time [Infograhic]

Why Social Media Isn’t A Waste Of Time [Infograhic]

On a normal day, I spend about all the time on two or three different social networking services. Well, of course, I do this while I work so I am more ...
Is Pinterest The Next Social Media Game Changer [Infographic]

Is Pinterest The Next Social Media Game Changer [Infographic]

The one social network that people are talking about right now is Pinterest. The image and video sharing social networking service has become a bit of ...
The Difference Between Email Now & 10 Years Ago [Image]

The Difference Between Email Now & 10 Years Ago [Image]

As technology moves forward at an ever faster pace, we are left with memories of how it used to be. Sometimes it can be hard to keep up with all the n ...
6 Sneaker Designs For Serious Social Media Addicts

6 Sneaker Designs For Serious Social Media Addicts

If you are a social media addict, you are constantly connected to your personal networking stream. Whether it's Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Google+, P ...
The Smartphone That Knows When You Are Angry & Annoyed

The Smartphone That Knows When You Are Angry & Annoyed

The people and brands who have been successful with social media in the past are the ones who are transparent. In other words, they are open and they ...
13 Geeky Facebook Friend Tagging Images

13 Geeky Facebook Friend Tagging Images

One thing I have found after being on Facebook for a few years now is that people really like tagging their friends in various ways. The trend is that ...
Worst Web Outages In 2011 [Infographic]

Worst Web Outages In 2011 [Infographic]

In 2011, we saw a lot of new websites and services spring up like potatoes all around the Internet. Some became pillars in the networking landscapes, ...
Top Tech Trends Of 2011: Last Year At A Glance [Infographic]

Top Tech Trends Of 2011: Last Year At A Glance [Infographic]

In 2011, we saw a lot of new trends emerge that implied social media was taking yet another step towards ruling not only the Internet, but also our li ...
Geekify Your Wrists: Knitted Mario Mushroom Pulse Warmers

Geekify Your Wrists: Knitted Mario Mushroom Pulse Warmers

I'm a big fan of geeky gloves. Since it was 22F (-5.5C) degrees this morning in Atlanta, and I'm still freeeezing my tush off even though I have a lit ...
Facebook Shower Curtain: No More Hiding Behind The Screen

Facebook Shower Curtain: No More Hiding Behind The Screen

So there you are, thinking you are safe behind the screen while networking on Facebook, right? No one can see you and the constantly changing security ...
The Ultimate Guide To Business Card Design [Infographic]

The Ultimate Guide To Business Card Design [Infographic]

You might think you know exactly what kind of business card you want, but do you really know what it expresses? There are a lot of things that will af ...
Why Using Pinterest For Marketing Is A Must [Infographic]

Why Using Pinterest For Marketing Is A Must [Infographic]

I admit I have been kind of indifferent towards Pinterest until just a couple of weeks ago when I started researching its abilities and reach. This ne ...
Social Media Dating On Flights: Choose Your Seat Mate On Facebook

Social Media Dating On Flights: Choose Your Seat Mate On Facebook

Finally! Now there's a way to make sure we get to sit next to the hot guy on our flight instead of the crying baby. Our seat assignment is no longer a ...
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