Search query: sleep

Garden Underground Garage – It’s Time To Hide Your Car!

Garden Underground Garage – It’s Time To Hide Your Car!

Are you one of those people that is constantly looking after your garden? Are you even overly annoyed by the fact that you have to have a garage for ...
Alien Wackiness – Home Decor Inspiration (wth?)

Alien Wackiness – Home Decor Inspiration (wth?)

Omg... sometimes we just have too much fun on Bit Rebels. Last night I wrote an article about a giant alien shower sculpture that vomits water. I ha ...

5 Traits You Will Find Common To Almost All Twitter Addicts

Twitter is a social networking platform that has people online 24/7. Even while you sleep, people will continue to communicate and share. There are ...
A Folding Luxury Shelter For The Traveling Geek

A Folding Luxury Shelter For The Traveling Geek

If you ever find yourself traveling the world to attend events or just to see the wonders that it has to offer, then you no doubt need somewhere to la ...
6 Ways To Overcome Social Media Burnout

6 Ways To Overcome Social Media Burnout

It is very difficult for me to write this article. I'm going to do it anyway because I think by sharing my experience; it might be helpful to someone ...

Iron Baby Is Here! – Beats Iron Man’s Butt Many Times Over

I feel a little ashamed right now cause I have to admit that I haven't yet seen Iron Man 2. Yup, that's right, I haven't seen it yet and it's really ...
Nap Time – The Best Time of The Day!

Nap Time – The Best Time of The Day!

We have written several articles here on Bit Rebels that deal with sleep and the importance of getting a lot of it for health and well being. However ...

How To: Spot A Twitterholic

I love Twitter and I know so many people who also love it as much as I do. We have a special bond that some people do not understand. Social media h ...
The New Inflight Entertainment – The iPad!

The New Inflight Entertainment – The iPad!

We've all been there. We're sitting on a plane, bored silly, can't fall asleep and then we finally, as a last resort, decide to watch the inflight mo ...
6 Fast and Easy Ways to Look Younger!

6 Fast and Easy Ways to Look Younger!

Are you looking for the fountain of youth? I know a lot of people who are always so conscious about their appearance. The majority of them say they ...
LightLeaf: Revolutionary Paper Thin Light Source

LightLeaf: Revolutionary Paper Thin Light Source

Reading books isn't something my schedule allows, but I always have a good one with me for long travels or when I'm just sitting around at an airport. ...
Typography Soap – The Cleanest Font Ever Created

Typography Soap – The Cleanest Font Ever Created

Now this is the kind of soap that makes me get excited about getting dirty! I can't wait to mess around in some mud! (Ok, maybe not) I admit it; th ...

How To Remain Alert With Very Little Caffeine!

I was in the elevator the other day with a co-worker (Carmela Quirino), and we were discussing that she has to limit her caffeine intake due to hyper- ...
Magic Windows: Tweet 24/7 Without Getting Exhausted

Magic Windows: Tweet 24/7 Without Getting Exhausted

It's widely known that I am a twitterholic without any regard whatsoever for getting that necessary sleep that everyone is talking about. I have way ...

How To Make Today Count!

Are you the type of person who worries a lot about the future? Do you have sleepless nights because you worry about what will happen tomorrow? Do you ...
1 51 52 53 54 55 58 795 / 856 POSTS