Search query: small business

ON TIME Headset: New Technology To Keep You Informed

ON TIME Headset: New Technology To Keep You Informed

It's not an understatement to say the once this whole social networking business got booming, every company, big or small, has gotten a much busier sc ...
Build A Retail And Fashion Store On FaceBook!

Build A Retail And Fashion Store On FaceBook!

Social gaming is fun. You can play so many games now on FaceBook. You can be a farmer, a waiter, a chef, or even a restaurant manager. You can even ...
The Ultimate Earphones – Anytime. Anywhere.

The Ultimate Earphones – Anytime. Anywhere.

A common problem when it comes to earphones is that you can never get the little devils to actually stay in place, especially if you're running for ex ...
What Would An Adidas Car Look Like? – Now We Know!

What Would An Adidas Car Look Like? – Now We Know!

A common pattern with the larger corporations is that when they feel they have depleted the ideas for their core products, they venture out into other ...
Interview: Paymo – When Time Tracking Gets Serious

Interview: Paymo – When Time Tracking Gets Serious

As a freelance designer, I know the importance of accurately and continuously tracking time to know exactly how much I am going to charge the client w ...
When Corporate Design Gets A Horror Theme Overhaul

When Corporate Design Gets A Horror Theme Overhaul

Every now and then a company needs a new and refreshed design overhaul to keep up with today's trends. Usually this means a refined approach to what' ...
Your First Year on Twitter – 10 Significant Milestones

Your First Year on Twitter – 10 Significant Milestones

I remember the day I got on Twitter for the very first time in March of 2009. It was all so strange to me at first. I don't know how I found @cheth, b ...
Forked Up: The Most Creative iPhone Stand Yet

Forked Up: The Most Creative iPhone Stand Yet

When I got my iPhone, of course I needed a dock for it as well. It's like the store always finds ways to convince you that you need to buy a bunch of ...
Re-Thinking The Twitter Concept [Humor]

Re-Thinking The Twitter Concept [Humor]

Have you ever asked yourself the question "What if Twitter was conceived as another animal instead of a bird...what then?" What would we call it or wh ...
Interview: MOJO Themes – Get Your Mojo Right Here

Interview: MOJO Themes – Get Your Mojo Right Here

We all know there's a fair share of WordPress theme shops out the that feed our everyday need for excellence when it comes to blogging and design. Eve ...
Amazing Bottle Cap Designs | Don’t Throw Away, Recycle!

Amazing Bottle Cap Designs | Don’t Throw Away, Recycle!

When I was younger, we use to collect bottle caps and play games with them. We used them as Chinese checker pieces. That was the only way we could c ...
Meet Crabzilla | The Largest Crab Ever Caught

Meet Crabzilla | The Largest Crab Ever Caught

We interrupt the regular Bit Rebels programming to bring you this important announcement: Did you know that a 10 foot long crab was captured in Great ...
Rising Twitter Stars | Girl Power!

Rising Twitter Stars | Girl Power!

It’s a small world on Twitter, unless you are a newbie. I say this because we often read posts about the popular people on Twitter. We are constantly ...

150+ Ultimate Round-Up of Helpful Twitter Articles

I’ve tried to create something here that I have not seen before. Below is a list of 150+ very helpful Twitter articles. I get tweets every week from ...
Interview | InMotion Hosting – Behind the Bandwidth

Interview | InMotion Hosting – Behind the Bandwidth

Everyone with a serious intention of running a website has come across a hosting company once or twice in search for best bandwidth, price and custome ...
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