Search query: social media

Pepsi Takes Virtual Gifting To Another Level

Pepsi Takes Virtual Gifting To Another Level

Social media brings us closer to the brands that we use. If you are on Facebook, aside from "liking" pages that you want to be updated with regarding ...
Sitting Down Is Killing You [Infographic]

Sitting Down Is Killing You [Infographic]

When you have a desk job, it's easy to see the advantages of sitting at a desk inside when looking outside and there is a guy shoveling snow in front ...
The Value Of Being LinkedIn [Infographic]

The Value Of Being LinkedIn [Infographic]

Are you on LinkedIn? I realize that some people want to bonk me on the head just for asking that question. Since you are already logging into Twitter, ...
How To: Turn Your Own Life Into An Infographic

How To: Turn Your Own Life Into An Infographic

There is no question that people lately are getting buck wild with infographics. Most of us are information junkies who can't get enough of the daily ...
TweetingSeat: The Park Bench That Twitpics & Tweets You

TweetingSeat: The Park Bench That Twitpics & Tweets You

We see Twitter and Facebook products and designs pop up all over the Internet everyday. Most of the time they are obviously weak attempts by uninforme ...
Don’t Just Polish Your Nails – Geekify Them

Don’t Just Polish Your Nails – Geekify Them

One of the best ways for women and even men to relax is to get their nails manicured a few times each month. In addition to being relaxing, maintainin ...
Facebook Has A Huge Impact On College Admissions [Infographic]

Facebook Has A Huge Impact On College Admissions [Infographic]

We knew the day would come when social media would be incorporated into... well, everything. First it was a way to connect with friends, then it becam ...
Create Your Own QR Code Like Button For Facebook Fans To Scan

Create Your Own QR Code Like Button For Facebook Fans To Scan

Social media is a big part of everyone's life these days. People are spending more time on social networking sites than ever before. Of course, the mo ...
The REAL Back Side Of Twitter, Facebook, YouTube And More…

The REAL Back Side Of Twitter, Facebook, YouTube And More…

Have you ever spent days on end lurking around the forest of videos on YouTube or even ferociously hacking away at characters on Twitter and Facebook? ...
2011 Insane Mobile Marketing Facts & Trends

2011 Insane Mobile Marketing Facts & Trends

It seems like the two hottest buzzwords right now are "mobile marketing." Everyone is talking about it, and new articles are circulating on social med ...
Top 10 Countries With Internet & What They Search For

Top 10 Countries With Internet & What They Search For

To make a list of the top countries on the Internet isn't the most complicated of tasks since it pretty much just involves checking the size of the po ...
Bacon Cologne: Now You Can Smell Like A Pig All Day

Bacon Cologne: Now You Can Smell Like A Pig All Day

If you thought for one moment that the bacon revolution was about to end, you are wrong. Bacon is like social media. People keep waiting for the trend ...
10 Common Blogging Questions Answered For You

10 Common Blogging Questions Answered For You

I have my email address at the bottom of each article I write here on Bit Rebels, and I've always encouraged readers to drop me a line if they ever ha ...
Rymdreglage: 8-Bit Retro Lego Stop Motion Music Video

Rymdreglage: 8-Bit Retro Lego Stop Motion Music Video

When geeks get creative the most wonderful things can happen. It doesn't always happen, but it does quite often, even if I may say so myself. A geek's ...
The Greatest Drunk Dial Voicemail Ever

The Greatest Drunk Dial Voicemail Ever

Omg, I betcha this is going to be one of the funniest things you read about all day. Yesterday I wrote an article called How To: Delete A Drunk Night ...
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