Search query: social media

You blog a lot? | Get the “Bloggie” camera from Sony!

You blog a lot? | Get the “Bloggie” camera from Sony!

In a time when even animals have their own blogs it is apparent that there is a wide audience and focus group for companies to churn out new gadgets f ...

5 Free File Sharing Sites

Having a big amount of storage to save your file is crucial specially for Freelancers.  A file hosting service, online file storage provider, cyberloc ...
Cool Audio Tools for Your Blog!

Cool Audio Tools for Your Blog!

If you own a blog or a social page and would like to add something new to the experience of your readers, by offering not just text, pictures and vide ...

How To: Save a You Tube Video

There are so many videos online and according to here are the stats for You Tube: Internet Usage * Adults spend 15+ hours on ...
Create your Online Business Card!

Create your Online Business Card!

You have your business cards handy when you attend meetings or conferences so that you can connect instantly with potential business partners or just ...
More Applications to Share Your Photos Online!

More Applications to Share Your Photos Online!

Photos are the most shared online.  Whether you own a Flickr or Picassa account or you do it via Twitter or Facebook.  Here are some applications that ...
7 Ways to set up your Auto Tweets

7 Ways to set up your Auto Tweets

One of the most talked about controversies on Twitter. Some use it to spam while some use it to tweet while they are offline to get some sleep. Some u ...
PetVille New FaceBook Game | Review

PetVille New FaceBook Game | Review

There is a new game on FaceBook with around 944,298 active users and with  162,715 fans (at time of post).  The game is very similar to Pet Society.  ...
Google Goggle for Android Phones

Google Goggle for Android Phones

Google Goggles is a visual search app for Android phones. Instead of using words, take a picture of an object with your camera phone: we attempt to re ...
Jack Dorsey Wins Again – Fair and ‘Square’

Jack Dorsey Wins Again – Fair and ‘Square’

I can honestly say my life would be dramatically different without Twitter, so I’m a huge fan of Jack Dorsey. After reading about Square, I am even m ...
How Google is failing the launch of Google Wave

How Google is failing the launch of Google Wave

It has been a while now since the Google team announced their heavily anticipated new addition to the ever growing Google empire. This time it was a w ...
10 Ways To Ruin Your Reputation On Twitter

10 Ways To Ruin Your Reputation On Twitter

We’ve all heard the saying: You spend a lot of time and effort building your reputation on Twitter, and you can ruin it all with one tweet. Well, I ...
Twitter Tools for Sharing

Twitter Tools for Sharing

Here are some cool tools that you can use to share files, photos, documents using twitter third party applications. The First one is anythin ...
The Complete Guide To Google Wave | Manual

The Complete Guide To Google Wave | Manual

There are so many articles already written about Google Wave, the web-based service, computing platform, and communications protocol designed to merg ...
Restaurant City or Cafe’ World? #FaceBook Games

Restaurant City or Cafe’ World? #FaceBook Games

Another reason why majority of the people prefer FaceBook than the other social networking sites is because of the games that one can play with his or ...
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