Search query: sports

5 Ways To Help Keep Children Safe In Social Media [Infographic]

5 Ways To Help Keep Children Safe In Social Media [Infographic]

Almost all children in the industrial world have a digital footprint. One statistic I read said that in 2010, 92% of toddlers had an online presence, ...
Body Painted Apartment Floor Plans: Most Creative Marketing Idea Today

Body Painted Apartment Floor Plans: Most Creative Marketing Idea Today

We write a lot about the importance of getting creative with your marketing, regardless of what you are selling. Most of the time the eye-catching mar ...
Multi-Viewpoint Camera System Allows Real Time Matrix-Like Coverage

Multi-Viewpoint Camera System Allows Real Time Matrix-Like Coverage

In the last decade we have seen movie effects spiral into a mind-twisting experience that most of us talk about long after the movie has ended its run ...
Smart Cycling Helmet With Wireless Capability Monitors Heart Rate

Smart Cycling Helmet With Wireless Capability Monitors Heart Rate

Technology seems to be embedded into everything these days, and now with the introduction of this helmet, that even includes what we put on our heads ...
QWERTY Keyboard Sofa Bed: Perfect For Falling Asleep On Your Keyboard

QWERTY Keyboard Sofa Bed: Perfect For Falling Asleep On Your Keyboard

One of the many things children born today will never know is what it is like to feverishly type messages on our smartphones with a QWERTY keyboard. I ...
Jony Ive Spearheads Minimalist Design Overhaul For iOS

Jony Ive Spearheads Minimalist Design Overhaul For iOS

Ever since Scott Forstall was dumped from Apple over the Maps debacle and Jony Ive took over the “human interface design” section of iOS, many believe ...
Advertising Perception: We Know When Ads Are Inaccurate [Infographic]

Advertising Perception: We Know When Ads Are Inaccurate [Infographic]

We all know the old saying that 'perception is reality,' but it doesn't apply to everything. For example, when it comes to advertising perception, we ...
Thermochromic Workout Shirts Change Color With Your Body Temperature

Thermochromic Workout Shirts Change Color With Your Body Temperature

As far as I know, there hasn't been a lot of innovation when it comes to workout clothes over the past several years. When you walk into a store to bu ...
Pickup Power Recharges All Your Gadgets Wherever You Are

Pickup Power Recharges All Your Gadgets Wherever You Are

Everyone who has ever owned a mobile device knows how annoying the battery life can be. It's the only thing that keeps us from going completely mobile ...
Creative Art Made From Manipulating The Pages Of Books [12 Pics]

Creative Art Made From Manipulating The Pages Of Books [12 Pics]

There is nothing I love doing more than diving into a good book. From historical expeditions to fictional stories, I am equally happy exploring new wo ...
World’s Smallest Cell Phone To Be Released In Japan

World’s Smallest Cell Phone To Be Released In Japan

It's not hard to use Apple's iPhone as an example when comparing the world's different smartphone technologies. It was the "first" one to incorporate ...
Pinterest’s Pin View Gets A New Design With Larger Images

Pinterest’s Pin View Gets A New Design With Larger Images

Social networking services are always trying to renew themselves. It's something that is necessary in order for an online brand to continuously evolve ...
Apple iWatch: A First Conceptual Look [Video]

Apple iWatch: A First Conceptual Look [Video]

Do I even need to ask if you have heard the rumors about an iWatch from Apple being in the works? It's pretty much everywhere and everyone seems to be ...
AirGo Airline Seat Design Could Change Airline Comfort Forever

AirGo Airline Seat Design Could Change Airline Comfort Forever

As competition gets tougher, prices go down. That's pretty much the effect in any area of business. They say it's good for consumers since competition ...
Wearable Tech Spawns Touchscreen Shirt For Ultimate Mobility

Wearable Tech Spawns Touchscreen Shirt For Ultimate Mobility

We have all heard about wearable tech, and how it is getting ever more popular. Everything from wristbands to backpacks have some kind of technology i ...
1 53 54 55 56 57 63 825 / 939 POSTS