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Brands On Facebook: “Likes” Mirror Your Success [Infographic]

Brands On Facebook: “Likes” Mirror Your Success [Infographic]

Ever since Facebook launched, companies have been flocking to the platform to make sure they are well represented among the millions and millions of p ...
The Gender Differences On Twitter In Data [Infographic]

The Gender Differences On Twitter In Data [Infographic]

It's always been a nagging thought in the back of my mind that women are able to get followers faster and easier than men.  I want to make it very cle ...
The 4 Stages Of Understanding Twitter [Infographic]

The 4 Stages Of Understanding Twitter [Infographic]

I remember when I started using Twitter for the first time.  It was after I had checked out a speech by Gary Vaynerchuk on YouTube, and I wanted to kn ...
The Octopus That Lives In A Beer Bottle

The Octopus That Lives In A Beer Bottle

We talk a lot about recycling on Bit Rebels. We only have one planet Earth, and once it's ruined, we can't just make another one. We have to each ta ...
Angry Birds Kids: The REAL Way Of Playing The Game

Angry Birds Kids: The REAL Way Of Playing The Game

For all of you who thought we had stopped writing about the Angry Birds game, I am happy to disappoint you.  Well, not really happy, but this thing is ...
Twitter’s Top 75 Badass Women

Twitter’s Top 75 Badass Women

A while back my dear friend HowellMarketing and I had a conversation about the influential and inspiring women on Twitter. We were both in awe of how ...
Geek Art: Ink Pen Illustrations Created Using A Math Equation

Geek Art: Ink Pen Illustrations Created Using A Math Equation

Hmm... These are very unusual. I can't decide if it's brilliant art or the work of someone with a serious case of OCD. They kind of look like big ba ...
Bacon Lovers: Drool Over Your Bacon’s History [Infographic]

Bacon Lovers: Drool Over Your Bacon’s History [Infographic]

As I single-handedly inhaled almost an entire pound of bacon this morning (my Saturday ritual), I got to thinking about it more. Why is it that so ma ...
Photographer Uses Star Wars Toys In Amazing Photo Scenarios

Photographer Uses Star Wars Toys In Amazing Photo Scenarios

We write about photography way too little here on Bit Rebels, and when we do, it's usually something creepy, weird or just plain wonderful.  Personall ...
Gaming Art: Beer Bottle Cap Game Characters

Gaming Art: Beer Bottle Cap Game Characters

As we have stated before, art can come in a myriad of forms, sizes and shapes and none of them are right or wrong.  It's quite interesting to know tha ...
How To: Make Flirty & Naughty Valentine’s Day Cookies

How To: Make Flirty & Naughty Valentine’s Day Cookies

What? You didn't know cookies could be flirty and naughty? Well guess again, they sure can be! These little lingerie bra (with a pearl necklace) an ...
A Social Experiment: Can Complete Strangers Fool You?

A Social Experiment: Can Complete Strangers Fool You?

This is really interesting because when you think about it, we've all seen movies where the actors and actresses had chemistry. It doesn't even have ...
Angry Birds LEGO Builds: When Addiction Meets Creativity

Angry Birds LEGO Builds: When Addiction Meets Creativity

How is it that every day now there is something new in the world of Angry Birds?  This ultimately addicting game is starting to become the new Star Wa ...
Los Angeles Zoo: Creative Ad Campaign In The Name Of Geek

Los Angeles Zoo: Creative Ad Campaign In The Name Of Geek

One of the most creative industries must be advertising.  Designing ideas and coming up with good ad campaigns must be a truly rewarding job if everyt ...
Life: The Ultimate Instruction Manual For Men

Life: The Ultimate Instruction Manual For Men

When I was growing up, my dad took good care of us.  He always made sure we had food on the table and clothes on our back.  I bet it is hard for some ...
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