Search query: writing

Your Ultimate Google Penguin Recovery Plan [5 Infographics]

Your Ultimate Google Penguin Recovery Plan [5 Infographics]

If you hang with people in the web industry, you know that ever since Google implemented one of their biggest algorithm changes ever last month, which ...
Editing vs. Proofreading: What’s Most Important [Infographic]

Editing vs. Proofreading: What’s Most Important [Infographic]

In the world of news and blogging, there are a few things that aren't always obvious until they have actually published, and some of those things incl ...
How To Keep Your Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Safe From Looters

How To Keep Your Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Safe From Looters

Are you an ice cream fanatic of mammoth proportions? Do you sometimes feel like you have to guard that tub of ice cream with your life in order to kee ...
How Images Affect The Success Of Your Blog [Infographic]

How Images Affect The Success Of Your Blog [Infographic]

When you've been writing multiple articles every day, seven days a week, for three years straight, like Richard and I have for Bit Rebels, you learn a ...
Social Media & Food: A Match Made In Heaven [Infographic]

Social Media & Food: A Match Made In Heaven [Infographic]

Have you learned more about food since you've been active on social media sites? I know I have. I usually cure my sugar cravings by writing about cupc ...
R2-D2, Spidey, TARDIS & Pikachu Custom Geek Sneakers

R2-D2, Spidey, TARDIS & Pikachu Custom Geek Sneakers

We've probably written at least a hundred articles about shoes over the past few years, and many of them were written by me. I can't help it. I've got ...
Star Wars Stamps Will Make Snail Mail Cool Again

Star Wars Stamps Will Make Snail Mail Cool Again

I don't think I am the only one who almost entirely abandoned snail mail as a networking tool long ago. I mean, I can't even remember the last sent a ...
Film Geeks: Welcome To Nonlinear Time!

Film Geeks: Welcome To Nonlinear Time!

"As DNA is to the flesh, the code is to the soul, the blueprint to the psyche, a road map of destiny, concealed in our cellular biological fields. In ...
6 Coffee Heroes: Colorful Coffee Shop Chalkboard Art

6 Coffee Heroes: Colorful Coffee Shop Chalkboard Art

We've all walked into a coffee shop before and seen the chalkboard near the door with the daily specials on it, right? It's usually just a standard, s ...
Hero Fingers: Ordinary Fingers Transformed Into Superheroes

Hero Fingers: Ordinary Fingers Transformed Into Superheroes

There is just something about finger art that is so much fun to me. Most kids draw on their hands and fingers when they're young, but I still do it to ...
Star Wars Re-enacted By My Little Ponies [Video]

Star Wars Re-enacted By My Little Ponies [Video]

It's Saturday as I am writing this, and it's as good a day as any to return to the weird and wonderful world of mashups. We always seem to trip over t ...
100 Photography Tips For Seriously Better Pictures [Infographic]

100 Photography Tips For Seriously Better Pictures [Infographic]

When it comes to photography, I must say that I am still in my infancy. I'm not so much talking about the technical part, but rather finding the time ...
Geek Happiness: Zelda Link Pixelated Cookies

Geek Happiness: Zelda Link Pixelated Cookies

If you are a geek and a baker, you may have tried to make pixelated cookies before. If so, you know it ain't easy. There are several hours of calculat ...
Helping Hand Rebranding To Help Underprivileged Children Read

Helping Hand Rebranding To Help Underprivileged Children Read

I am writing about this because I personally like the mission of the Reading Is Fundamental organization. It also hit my design radar because the illu ...
10 Fantasy Creations From A History That Never Happened

10 Fantasy Creations From A History That Never Happened

If you were to visit a place called the Museum of Unnatural History, what do you think would be there? There would be a bunch of fun stuff that was fa ...
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