Tag: alarm clock

ALARMclock: Motivates You To Get Up In A Different Way
What kind of alarm clock do you have? Does it ring, beep or perhaps play music? Well, whatever alarm clock you have it's nothing compared to a new pro ...
![Your Personality Type Based On Alarm Clock Interaction [Infographic] Your Personality Type Based On Alarm Clock Interaction [Infographic]](https://bitrebels.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/your-alarm-clock-personality-infographic.jpg)
Your Personality Type Based On Alarm Clock Interaction [Infographic]
There have been so many personality tests over the years, but this is the first one I've seen that is based on interaction with an alarm clock. Alarm ...

Warmly App Wakes You Up To Sounds Of Sizzling Bacon & Coffee Brewing
Why is it that we are nice to ourselves when it comes to falling asleep, but horrible to ourselves when it comes to waking up in the morning? What I m ...

Lullaby Sleep Tracker Monitors Your Bedroom & What Disturbs Your Sleep
Almost everyone I know has trouble sleeping, including myself. We try to use whatever body hack we can find to push ourselves to the limit of what our ...
Alarm Clock That Gives You An Electrical Shock To Wake Your Butt Up
Think of this as a last resort alarm clock. We've written about tons of alarm clocks that promise to wake your butt up in the morning, and if you've t ...
The Alarm Clock That Could Actually Drive You Insane
Let's just say that if I had this alarm clock in my house, I would have to seek professional therapy very soon because I think it would drive me insan ...
Geeky Gear: 7 Back To School Must Haves!
When I was a child, I loved the first day of school. Even if i cried my eyes out because I did not want my mom to leave me there, I was still happy b ...

How To: Get Out Of Bed When Your Alarm Goes Off
What is it about clocks? I just realized today that we've written a lot of articles on Bit Rebels about clocks. Is it because our entire lives are m ...
Run Away Alarm Clock!
What is the hardest thing to do in the morning? Well hands down its actually waking up and getting out of bed! Found another cool gadget that hopefu ...
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