Tag: Charge

Charge Your Phone Wirelessly By Putting It On Your Kitchen Countertop
In the future, hopefully smartphones and other mobile devices will have a way to charge themselves so we won't have to think about it. There have been ...

3D Printed Battery Shrinks Battery Size Down To A Grain Of Sand
Everyone knows that without batteries, all our favorite gadgets are of no use. It's the constant bane of any mobile device user. Even though developme ...

Power Pocket: Jean Shorts Charge Your Smartphone With Body Heat
I remember this year at CES there was a thermoelectric wristwatch unveiled that could convert body heat into electricity. As the watch rests on your w ...

Innovative Shoe Attachment Generates Electricity When Walking
Everyone is trying to harvest energy as seamlessly and efficiently as possible. There are large innovations that power entire neighborhoods as well as ...
3 iPhone Hack Tricks That Will Make Your iPhone Experience Better
If you have a smartphone, and if you use it as often as most people do, you probably can't imagine living without it. Everywhere I go, I see people do ...
6 Tips Which Will Make Your Smartphone Battery Last Longer [Video]
When it comes to technology, we are impatient. There have been several studies that have come to this conclusion. I even wrote about one a while back ...
ChargeBite: iPhone Power Cannibalism Goes Mainstream
There are no shortage of power chargers on the market for any smartphone these days. All you really have to do is walk into an electronics store, and ...
Hand-Crank Phone Charger (For When You’re Without Electricity)
Living without electricity is a big deal, and if you are blessed enough not to know what that feels like, try doing it for one day. It will be torture ...
All You Need To Know About Web Designers [Infographic]
Dealing with a web designer can sometimes be an extremely pleasant experience, but it can sometimes also be one of the worst. It's just not in this i ...
Flexiphone: Setting The Style Of Tomorrow?
By now, there should be enough ideas for future cell phones to last for decades. Many of the phones presented as concepts also incorporate technologi ...
Double Phone: The Cell Phone That Never Runs Out Of Battery!
If we all had a say in the creation of a new cell phone, I am sure that the list would be infinitely long with features ranging from both touch screen ...
iFan: Charges Your iPhone Using Pure Wind Power!
There have been many products that recharge your iPhone and mobile devices once they are out of power, and by the looks of things, the constant flood ...
Star Wars USB Hand Warmers For Cold Winter Space Days
How do you stay warm on a cold winter day when you're working on your laptop? Are you using some bulky gloves which make your work even slower and st ...
Jump-Start CARD: Borrow Power From Another Cell Phone Or Device
Being out in the field and constantly working on your cell phone, or any other mobile device, certainly has its positive and negative sides. You get ...
Metatrend: New Technology Suggests Hovering Cell Phones
New concept technologies have always inspired me. The pace at which we see new stuff emerging on the market is ever increasing, and the gadgets are g ...