Tag: costume
Costumes Through The Decades: The Constant Change [Infographic]
The days are getting darker and the time to choose a Halloween costume is becoming frighteningly short. I have yet to pick out the costume I am wearin ...
Steampunk Darth Vader Helmet: Copper Is Fashion
Would it be correct to say that Star Wars is a fashion these days? I mean, there are so many people coming up with costumes or accessories as an homag ...
Hello Kitty In Ghostbusters: The Cosplay Proton Pack
It would be a valid question to ask how many of you are actually into cosplay, and what you wear to these gatherings. Why? Because as the Comic Cons a ...
4 Original Superhero Costumes: Classic Creative Brilliance
Superhero costumes have changed a lot over the years. I wasn't alive when the first Batman and Robin television series ran from 1966 - 1968, but even ...
Halloween Alter Egos: The Guide To What You Should Be [Infographic]
Yes, the time of the scarecrow looms in the horizon, and we are all getting ready to jump out of the shadows in hopes of giving someone we love a less ...
Epic AT-AT Star Wars Dog Costume
When you are a geek, you usually want to make sure people know about it. Some people might call you a hipster if you got yourself some of those geeky ...
Dog Cosplay: 12 Ridiculously Amazing Pet Costumes
The world is becoming ever more weird! Even though I don't personally have any pets these days, I have been the proud owner of a cat, a bird and some ...
Trekkies: The Killingest Star Trek Dress (Transporter Not Included)
I'm sure all my fellow girl Trekkies will agree that the Star Trek dresses in all the movies and television shows would be so much fun to wear in real ...
Eye-Popping Fan Created Chewbacca Costume
I am one of those people who lacks a good Halloween costume every year. Even though we've picked up the annual event quite furiously in the last coupl ...
Ooh La La! Sexy Super Mario Latex Cosplay Costume
Dang, Mario has come a long way, hasn't he? Or, maybe I should say she. I'm staring at this sexy tight costume and trying to figure out if I could pul ...
7 Pictures Of Real Everyday Life Cosplay
We are hearing more and more about cosplay, and it's becoming quite a movement. It's everywhere these days, and I think it's really awesome. I haven't ...
The Best Cosplay From Comic-Con 2011
Everyone knows that Comic-Con isn't about the cosplay, but at the same time, the cosplay is one of the coolest parts of the event. I've never been to ...
The Real Steampunk Iron Man Suit Is Magnificent
The insanely successful brand and franchise of Iron Man took the world by storm. I must admit that when I saw the trailer for the first movie, I wasn' ...
Even American Idol Sports A Transformers Costume
Yesterday I wrote an article about the awesome cardboard Transformers costume, and it brought in a lot of interest. It's such a unique and funny costu ...
Transformers: Hilarious Real Life Truck Costume
During the Super Bowl we got to see the awesome trailer for the new Transformers movie, which of course spurred a lot of talk on the Internet. It's on ...