Tag: Food

With These Utensils You Can Play With Your Food!

With These Utensils You Can Play With Your Food!

One of the hardest things to do for some moms is to get their kids to eat their food. I remember my mom having a hard time feeding my youngest brothe ...
Luxurious Life: 10 Foods & Drinks Made With Real Gold

Luxurious Life: 10 Foods & Drinks Made With Real Gold

According to the magazines, the food craze right now is all about adding edible gold to our foods and drinks. It sounds like a good idea to me! Afte ...
20 Unusual Foods-On-A-Stick

20 Unusual Foods-On-A-Stick

Doesn't it seem like everything comes on a stick these days? I'm not sure if it's a food trend or if I'm just now noticing it, but foods on sticks ar ...
Experience Your Vampire Fantasies At The Vampire Cafe

Experience Your Vampire Fantasies At The Vampire Cafe

It's 2am now. I sit here in the dark, writing this article, with all the doors and windows open even though I know that right here in Atlanta is the ...
How To: Make Supersized S’Mores (No Campfire Needed!)

How To: Make Supersized S’Mores (No Campfire Needed!)

Cake decorating is an art form all in itself. I have been fortunate enough to watch some of the most epic cakes you've ever seen get decorated. It r ...
New World Record Set: The Biggest Burger Ever

New World Record Set: The Biggest Burger Ever

Earlier today when I wrote about live crabs being sold in vending machines, it kind of left a bad taste in my mouth. So, now I've decided to write an ...
WTH: Eat LIVE Crab From A Vending Machine

WTH: Eat LIVE Crab From A Vending Machine

I admit, I like my food to have faces. I'm a meat eater all the way. After I wrote this article about how to kill a lobster in a humane way, I met m ...
Chocomize: Make Your Own Creative Chocolate Bars!

Chocomize: Make Your Own Creative Chocolate Bars!

Today has been tasty, hasn't it? I started out the morning writing about a chocolate boat that you can really sail in! In the afternoon, I wrote abo ...
Now There’s An Upside Down Use For A Boat!

Now There’s An Upside Down Use For A Boat!

As you have probably learned by now, I am a big fan of recycled uses of products. I could; however, be more environmentally aware than I am, but that ...
Want Larger Breasts? Just Chew This Gum!

Want Larger Breasts? Just Chew This Gum!

This makes me giggle. A lot. I want to be careful how I word this because there are women all over the Internet that claim this gum works, but... um ...
Lady Gaga Fashion: Wear The Baconized Tie And Get The Stares!

Lady Gaga Fashion: Wear The Baconized Tie And Get The Stares!

Alright, there is no arguing that Lady Gaga is out to make an impression, whatever impression possible really. She's one of the few female artists th ...
Holiday Gift Idea: $15,000 Edible Gingerbread House

Holiday Gift Idea: $15,000 Edible Gingerbread House

A few days ago Neiman Marcus released their 84th annual Christmas Book. In case you are unfamiliar with this fabulous holiday book, let me describe i ...
10 Remarkable Jello Shot Designs

10 Remarkable Jello Shot Designs

I've never actually tasted a Jello shot. However, I was a cocktail waitress when I was attending University, and I remember making red, orange and gr ...
Make A Delicious Yoda Cake: Help You, I Can

Make A Delicious Yoda Cake: Help You, I Can

One of my favorite kinds of cake is red velvet, and of course my favorite Star Wars character is Yoda. Seeing them combined in this delicious dessert ...
Creative 3D Pancake Designs: Food Inspiration

Creative 3D Pancake Designs: Food Inspiration

I like it when designers make unique creations with food. I sometimes create sculptures with my own food. I know Mom, when I was a child, you taught ...
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