Tag: funny

Funny Celebrity Fingerprint Portraits Display Personalities
If you are a fan of a crime forensic series on TV, you know that in almost every episode they pull fingerprints off of pretty much everything, process ...
![Funny Grammar Mistakes On Signs In America [20 Pics] Funny Grammar Mistakes On Signs In America [20 Pics]](https://bitrebels.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/english-grammar-on-signs-1.jpg)
Funny Grammar Mistakes On Signs In America [20 Pics]
English is my native language, and I'm the first to admit it's really messed up sometimes. Or, better stated, everyone messes it up sometimes. There a ...

When Girls & Guys Trade Places At The Club
It's a fact that men behave differently than women do when they are out in a club partying. I have to admit though that it's been pretty much ages ago ...

Creative Twist On Love: Sarcastically Geeky Valentine Designs
I remember how much fun it was in school to get Valentines on February 14th each year. It's one of those traditions that seems to disappear as we get ...
An Electronic Goldfish: The Perfect Pet For Workaholics
Are you a workaholic? Do you get so focused on your projects that time slips by, and when you finally come up to breathe, many hours have passed? I'm ...
iDrive: The Ultimate On The Road iPad Accessory
I think everyone knows by now that messing around with a mobile device while driving isn't such a good idea. It's lethal people, so don't do it. The r ...
Real Life Interaction: Dating Advice From The ’30s
Are you one of those people who is looking to find the one that will take your breath away, and the one that will take you on an everlasting adventure ...
The Simple Story About How Chewbacca Grew Up [Comic]
Sometimes it can take a lot to make someone smile an honest smile, and at other times all it takes is a single image. We all have our preferences when ...
Grooving Graduates: The Dance Your PhD Contest
I went to graduate school. It was a great experience. I learned a lot. I experienced the world. However, I seem to have missed out on one vital part o ...
My Drunk Kitchen Holiday Edition: Rabbi GingerHead
By now, you've heard of My Drunk Kitchen, right? If not, oh my gosh, it's your lucky day. I wrote about Hannah Hart's first cooking show video, called ...
What Your Toilet Paper Says About Your Personality
Do you put your toilet paper roll on so it rolls over or under? Earlier this year when I wrote Over Or Under: The Great Toilet Paper Dispute, I was su ...
The Secret Origin Of Global Brand Logos
The origin of most things is quite clear once you start to do some research. What's more difficult to understand sometimes is how they were thought up ...
Siri: Her First Argument Ever
Siri, Siri, Siri, she's all everyone ever talks about when they start a conversation about the iPhone 4S. At least to me it seems that way. Don't get ...
The Secret Thoughts Of Cats & Dogs [4 Videos]
When I was a kid, we had a crap load of animals in my house. We had cats, dogs, birds, turtles... well, you name it and we probably had it at some poi ...
Come To The Dark Side Little Girl, We Have Cookies
Every person who is evil probably remembers the first time he or she ever tasted sweet victory. In this nine second video, you'll actually witness a r ...