Tag: Job

Focus Hacks To Help You Concentrate & Get The Job Done [Chart]

Focus Hacks To Help You Concentrate & Get The Job Done [Chart]

We all have trouble focusing every now and then, but if you are a creative person, you might notice it more than others. We are easily distracted, and ...
Reverse Engineer Online Recruiter Strategies & Get A Job [Infographic]

Reverse Engineer Online Recruiter Strategies & Get A Job [Infographic]

We're moving ever closer to the new year, and even though most people will see it as a fresh start, there are still many who dread that they will brin ...
6 Clever Strategies To Sleep At Work [Infographic]

6 Clever Strategies To Sleep At Work [Infographic]

There comes a time in every employee's life when they just want to facepalm into the desk in front of them and sleep for a couple hours. It's an appea ...
Career Choices: What Will You Be When You Grow Up? [Infographic]

Career Choices: What Will You Be When You Grow Up? [Infographic]

When we are little kids, it seems like we are asked over and over by adults, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" As kids, it's a question that ...
Your Social Media Presence Could Be Hindering Your Job Search

Your Social Media Presence Could Be Hindering Your Job Search

Like it or not, hiring managers these days are browsing candidates’ social media accounts before making a decision to bring on board a potential emplo ...
LinkedIn Guide: How It Works [Infographic]

LinkedIn Guide: How It Works [Infographic]

It's anything but easy to keep up with all the different social networking services available to us. It's starting to become a thick jungle of network ...
In-Depth Look At The Graphic Design Career [Infographic]

In-Depth Look At The Graphic Design Career [Infographic]

No matter where you go on the Internet, you will see something that a graphic designer has put together. You just can't get around it. There are more ...
Twitter Burnout: When You’ve Lost That Twitter Feeling

Twitter Burnout: When You’ve Lost That Twitter Feeling

Have you ever had a case of Twitter burnout? Being on social media can sometimes feel like a full time job in itself. If you have a loyal following/fa ...
7 Secrets To Making Recruiters Find You [Infographic]

7 Secrets To Making Recruiters Find You [Infographic]

Social media is a great way to get the word out about you, your skills and what you could offer a company if they recruited you. In today's harsh job ...
What It Takes To Become An Entrepreneur [Infographic]

What It Takes To Become An Entrepreneur [Infographic]

We have written so many articles on Bit Rebels about becoming an entrepreneur, and you can probably tell that both Richard and I have a real passion f ...
LinkedIn Cheat Sheet For Dummies

LinkedIn Cheat Sheet For Dummies

I know from personal experience that LinkedIn can be quite fuzzy when it comes to being a social networking platform. I don't so much mean the network ...
What Music To Listen To On The Job To Stay Focused [Infographic]

What Music To Listen To On The Job To Stay Focused [Infographic]

I am sure I am not the only one who just has to rock out to some rock n' roll or chillout techno while I program or write new articles. It helps me co ...
Things To Know Before Your Job Interview [Infographic]

Things To Know Before Your Job Interview [Infographic]

Recently I wrote an article about how you can prepare and ace a job interview. As I wrote that, I realized there is so much more that goes into it all ...
Social Media Background Checks: Modern Day Job Screening [Chart]

Social Media Background Checks: Modern Day Job Screening [Chart]

I was listening to a radio show the other day while I was working, and as they were talking about the role of social media in the hiring process, the ...
Social Media Jobs Salary Guide [Infographic]

Social Media Jobs Salary Guide [Infographic]

If you are new to the whole social media scene, you are of course wondering if there is really anyone working in it, like for real. I can tell you rig ...
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