Tag: Job

Social Media Job Hunting: Reshaping Our Future [Infographic]

Social Media Job Hunting: Reshaping Our Future [Infographic]

Last month I wrote an article called 7 Sounds Kids Born Today Will Never Know. I have a new sound to add to that list. It's the rushing around sound o ...
Life’s Too Short For The Wrong Job [10 Pics]

Life’s Too Short For The Wrong Job [10 Pics]

This is such an oldie but a goodie! Every once in a while, I'll stumble across something that I remember seeing from many years ago, but it's so epic ...
The Value Of An Hour Of Your Work [Chart]

The Value Of An Hour Of Your Work [Chart]

How many hours a week do you work? I mean, how many hours a week do you reeeeally work? I know some people who technically drive to an office for 40 h ...
How To: Get A Job At Google, Apple or Facebook [Infographic]

How To: Get A Job At Google, Apple or Facebook [Infographic]

I just learned today that one in four young professionals starting their career journey wants to work for Google. It's not surprising really. We all k ...
5 Minute Guide To Scoring A Job In Social Media [Infographic]

5 Minute Guide To Scoring A Job In Social Media [Infographic]

Hitting up a job in today's economy isn't exactly the easiest of tasks if you aren't uber qualified and know your stuff. Then there is the challenge o ...
The Guide To Employee Morale [Humor]

The Guide To Employee Morale [Humor]

I've been reading more and more reports lately that talk about how much Americans don't like their jobs. It's really disturbing, considering how much ...
Most Creative Way To Find A Job Using Twitter

Most Creative Way To Find A Job Using Twitter

We all know by now that social media can be a great networking tool used to make valuable contacts in any industry. Many people even use social media ...
Sitting Down Is Killing You [Infographic]

Sitting Down Is Killing You [Infographic]

When you have a desk job, it's easy to see the advantages of sitting at a desk inside when looking outside and there is a guy shoveling snow in front ...
The Most Creative (or Stupidest) Resume Ever

The Most Creative (or Stupidest) Resume Ever

I know how stressful it is to put together a resume. As a matter of fact, that is one of the reasons I've been self-employed for over a decade. Screw ...
How To: Recruit Top Talent Using Social Media [Part 2]

How To: Recruit Top Talent Using Social Media [Part 2]

As anyone might understand, recruiting new talent to your company is a science and a lot of attention to detail is needed in order to find the perfect ...
How To: Recruit Top Talent Using Social Media [Part 1]

How To: Recruit Top Talent Using Social Media [Part 1]

It seems social media is becoming a truly powerful tool when it comes to finding new talent for companies around the world. A couple of years ago I wr ...
Super Mario Bathroom: Expect Your Stay To Be Extensive

Super Mario Bathroom: Expect Your Stay To Be Extensive

There are plenty of tutorials out there that show you how to geekify just about anything.  To Super Marionize something is considered an art form in t ...
5 Lessons To Learn When Leaving Your Comfort Zone

5 Lessons To Learn When Leaving Your Comfort Zone

I recently left home, and now I live approximately 8,900 miles away.  I know from experience this kind of change takes a lot of adjusting.  When I dec ...
Are You Secretly A Slacker? [Infographic]

Are You Secretly A Slacker? [Infographic]

Today I read something that someone sarcastically wrote in the news that read, "Americans are just a bunch of slackers." I paused for a moment to thi ...
36 Facebook T-Shirts To Match Your Status Update

36 Facebook T-Shirts To Match Your Status Update

The Facebook phenomenon started a whole world, and it doesn't seem to be ending anytime soon.  The fact that over six hundred million people now are o ...
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