Common Reasons Why Business Mail Deliveries Fail

Business mail is a crucial part of communication and outreach for many companies. However, mail delivery can often run into problems that prevent it from reaching its intended recipient. Here are some of the most common reasons business mail deliveries fail.

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Incorrect Addressing

One of the top reasons why mail does not arrive at its destination is incorrect or incomplete addressing.

If the recipient’s name is spelled wrong, the address contains errors, or important information like an apartment number is missing, the postal service may not be able to determine where to deliver the mail. Companies should double check addresses against order forms or contact information before sending.

Using addresses that are not up-to-date is another common addressing mistake. This is something that can easily be prevented if you use a service like, which gives you USPS labels where addresses are checked against the official postal service address database.

Insufficient Postage

The post office will not deliver mail that does not have enough postage affixed. Oftentimes companies guess at the required postage instead of weighing mail pieces. Insufficient postage is likely to lead to delays or returned mail.

Companies should invest in a postal scale to weigh letters, flats, and packages to determine exact postage. Postage requirements frequently change, so staying current with rates is also important.

Problems With Barcodes

Business mail often relies on barcodes to route mail pieces through the postal system. Barcodes can become unreadable if they are damaged or poorly printed. If the barcode is not readable, the mail piece will likely be delayed or returned.

Companies should take care to produce high-quality barcodes and protect them from damage by placing them in a barcode clear zone away from edges and seams. Pre-testing barcodes before a large mailing is also advised.

Improper Mail Piece Construction

The postal service has specific dimensions, weights, and construction rules for mail pieces. Letters, flats, and parcels that do not meet these standards may not make it through high-speed sorting equipment or may arrive damaged. Businesses should review postal regulations and test mail pieces before large jobs.

Properly constructing mail with quality materials prevents pieces from falling apart in transit.

No Endorsements On Undeliverable Mail

Some business mail will inevitably be returned as undeliverable. Failing to include clear endorsements on how to handle undeliverable mail results in the post office disposing of the mail piece.

Endorsements like “Return Service Requested” or “Change Service Requested” instruct the post office to return the mail to the sender with an updated address. This allows companies to update address databases, re-send mail, or take other actions.

By being aware of these common pitfalls, businesses can take proactive steps to ensure successful mail delivery. Investing time and effort into address accuracy, proper postage, quality mail construction, and undeliverable mail handling makes the difference in professional business mailings arriving intact and on time.

Paying attention to mail quality and following postal regulations allows companies to avoid disappointing delivery failures.

With care and effort devoted to the details, companies can master direct mail marketing and achieve strong results.

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