Category: Entertainment - Page 92

The Exorcist & The Social Network Explained In 60 Seconds

The Exorcist & The Social Network Explained In 60 Seconds

It seems like nowadays for every popular movie, you can find a mini version on YouTube. Sometimes it is just a spoof, but if it's well thought out, a ...
Kinect Hack Used To Create Stunning Music Video

Kinect Hack Used To Create Stunning Music Video

I have previously touched on the subject of creative music videos, and how they are made.  Some people do what everyone else does, and some just hit t ...
The Titanic Movie Explained In Less Than 2 Minutes

The Titanic Movie Explained In Less Than 2 Minutes

The movie Titanic is the ultimate chick-flick. I know this because every time I watch it, I boo-hoo like a big baby. And, I'm talkin the big kind of ...
Michael Jackson’s Smooth Criminal Like You’ve Never Seen

Michael Jackson’s Smooth Criminal Like You’ve Never Seen

As Randy Jackson says on American Idol... "Dawg pound, we got a hot one tonight!" This unbelievable video has only been on YouTube for ten days, and ...
Squeeze Me: The Coolest Music Video Flipbook Ever

Squeeze Me: The Coolest Music Video Flipbook Ever

Music videos are getting more and more creative by the day, and I truly enjoy that. I remember not too long ago when music videos were just a bunch o ...
Robot: Indian Movie Has World’s Most Insane Special Effects

Robot: Indian Movie Has World’s Most Insane Special Effects

You can date movie special effects all the way back to when movies had no sound.  We enjoy the fact that we can escape reality for just a couple of ho ...
One Man Show: This Guy Is The Lord Of The Lord Of The Rings

One Man Show: This Guy Is The Lord Of The Lord Of The Rings

It's one of my favorite movie series of all time.  It was a wonder of its time, and the making of it spanned about 10 years all together.  Of course, ...
Teenager’s $300 Superhero Movie Proves Budget Doesn’t Matter

Teenager’s $300 Superhero Movie Proves Budget Doesn’t Matter

With every movie company throwing millions of dollars into movies that all have one thing in common, superheroes, it's not always easy to see where al ...
The Self-Proclaimed Mini King of Pop

The Self-Proclaimed Mini King of Pop

I'm not normally into kiddie videos. All of us who have kids think our kid is the cutest, and we always want to show off the videos, right? I'm not ...
Spider-Man Costume Update: Web Shooter Device Confirmed!

Spider-Man Costume Update: Web Shooter Device Confirmed!

If you are a true Spidey geek, then you know that there is a new Spider-Man movie scheduled to be released on July 3rd, 2012. And, if you are a super ...
A Sad Story: Super Mario Depicted From A Darker Side

A Sad Story: Super Mario Depicted From A Darker Side

Super Mario has always been this lively happy game that we have all enjoyed since its first incarnation. There have been countless versions of the ga ...
Pac-Man: The Official Movie Trailer Is Out

Pac-Man: The Official Movie Trailer Is Out

My first thought was, this must be a joke. And to some extent it is, but not completely. The trailer is a real one that is amping up the hype around ...
Can’t Get Enough Of Angry Birds? Here’s The Analog Version!

Can’t Get Enough Of Angry Birds? Here’s The Analog Version!

Angry Birds could very well be the world's most downloaded iPhone game app. And, as far as I know, it is. I only say "as far as I know" because I ju ...
Ghostbusters Is WAY Better With The Inception Soundtrack!

Ghostbusters Is WAY Better With The Inception Soundtrack!

One of my favorite actresses is Sigourney Weaver. Of course it's because of her many cult and legendary movies like Aliens, Ghostbusters and many oth ...
Today Is Elvis’s Birthday: Celebrate It With His Weirdest Song Ever!

Today Is Elvis’s Birthday: Celebrate It With His Weirdest Song Ever!

One could debate for eons about who is the most successful artist ever to walk this earth. Some say Elvis Presley while others say Michael jackson. ...
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