Category: Entertainment - Page 91

These Japanese Guys REALLY Know How To Dance

These Japanese Guys REALLY Know How To Dance

In all the chaos and heartache, it seems Japan is the most capable country of all to handle the unfortunate and horrible events that took place severa ...
The Greatest Drunk Dial Voicemail Ever

The Greatest Drunk Dial Voicemail Ever

Omg, I betcha this is going to be one of the funniest things you read about all day. Yesterday I wrote an article called How To: Delete A Drunk Night ...
Angry Birds: The Movie (Trailer)

Angry Birds: The Movie (Trailer)

I don't know which is more fun to read about, the fact that a full-length film could conceivably be based on an app, or that Rooster Teeth was able to ...
Every Bone Steven Seagal Has Ever Broken

Every Bone Steven Seagal Has Ever Broken

How is it that back in the day Steven Seagal was such a badass, but now he's like a creepy weird guy? Have you seen pictures of him lately? He always ...
WTF: Bikini Woman Freaks Out At Burger King

WTF: Bikini Woman Freaks Out At Burger King

People are freaking crazy. There, I said it. No really, they are. No wonder I stay in my house on my computer surfing the Internet all day, it's the o ...
WTF: The William & Kate Commemorative Refrigerator

WTF: The William & Kate Commemorative Refrigerator

I don't really get into the royal wedding frenzy each time one of those events is about to happen. However, this time, with Prince William and Kate Mi ...
Movie Quiz: Movie Titles In The Form Of Geek Math

Movie Quiz: Movie Titles In The Form Of Geek Math

Keeping up with all the latest movies and their trailers isn't much of a challenge these days. The Internet has made it possible for us to know instan ...
Super Mario As A First Person Shooter Game

Super Mario As A First Person Shooter Game

I am just in awe right now. It's not because I have found something about the only legendary true retro game ever created, but because the nature of i ...
Charlie Sheen’s Winning Recipes: It’s Complicated

Charlie Sheen’s Winning Recipes: It’s Complicated

Ahh... Charlie Sheen. He has become the person we love to rag on for the moment. And to think for all these years I didn't know he was the wacko one. ...
Posters: Apparently Star Wars Was Very Different In Hungary

Posters: Apparently Star Wars Was Very Different In Hungary

I love it when people add some creativity to what otherwise would be the usual ordinary thing.  It's like a gust of fresh air.  Sure, if it's too out ...
Star Wars: Stormtrooper Music Video By Scattered Trees

Star Wars: Stormtrooper Music Video By Scattered Trees

Here's one you won't believe, or maybe you will.  Everyone is trying so hard to come up with something Star Wars to reap the profits of a more than li ...
You Can Own The Original Batman Forever Batmobile

You Can Own The Original Batman Forever Batmobile

Although a lot of people think the 1995 flick Batman Forever kinda stunk, I really liked it. I remember it came out while I was at University and all ...
For These Kids The Neverending Story Never Ended

For These Kids The Neverending Story Never Ended

I remember when I saw the movie Neverending Story for the very first time.  I was mesmerized, and I can still watch that movie just to get that retro ...
Personalize A Song For Your Loved Ones

Personalize A Song For Your Loved Ones

One of my favorite things to do at work is create applications which will allow people to engage with friends and loved ones.  This particular one is ...
Audio Gaming: Pew Pew Is Still Packing A Punch

Audio Gaming: Pew Pew Is Still Packing A Punch

I just love it when someone thinks outside the box for a change. We're already seeing all of these first person shooters packed up on the shelves at ...
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