Category: Lifestyle - Page 251

The First House Made Entirely From An Old Airplane!

The First House Made Entirely From An Old Airplane!

I've heard of using recycled materials to build a house before. Recently we even featured an article about a hotel made from garbage found on the bea ...
Do You Long for Peace in the World? – This Is for You

Do You Long for Peace in the World? – This Is for You

Wow, I haven't seen anything this powerful in a while. This five minute John Lennon interview about peace, called "I Met the Walrus," won the 2009 Em ...

Happiness Is A Choice!

For those close to me, you know that I am in a state of transition. My heart may be broken in two, but my spirit remains intact, thanks to the wonder ...
Japan Just Took The Wooden Sandal To Another Level

Japan Just Took The Wooden Sandal To Another Level

I can't say that I have ever tried out the wooden sandals originating from Japan. I don't think they would look particularly good on me, not to menti ...
Seed Bombs – Guerrilla Gardening Makes Cities Beautiful!

Seed Bombs – Guerrilla Gardening Makes Cities Beautiful!

Have you ever heard of a seed bomb before? I hadn't until today. A seed bomb is a little round handmade ball made from clay, compost and seeds which ...
Recycled Magazine Shelf – Home Decor Inspiration

Recycled Magazine Shelf – Home Decor Inspiration

For some people, collecting old magazines is a serious hobby. It reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where George's father collected TV Guides. I don ...
Discovered Under Sheep Dung – The World’s Oldest Shoe!

Discovered Under Sheep Dung – The World’s Oldest Shoe!

Did you see it on the news yesterday? It's being reported everywhere, and of course, it's so bizarrely interesting, it also deserves a place on Bit R ...
The Most Thrilling Free Dive You’ll Ever See

The Most Thrilling Free Dive You’ll Ever See

I haven't been putting many videos in my articles lately. The reason is because I've become somewhat of a video snob. It has to be a really, really ...
Temporary Hand Tattoos – Easy and Fun!

Temporary Hand Tattoos – Easy and Fun!

Have you ever tried telling stories to young children using hand puppets? I have. When my youngest brother was a little boy, I would tell him storie ...
Pucker Up – Plump & Juicy Lip Photography

Pucker Up – Plump & Juicy Lip Photography

Lips, lips, lips... what is it about them? We are all so fascinated with lips. Is it true that the bigger the better? My sister gave me some bionic ...
The Color Pink Makes People Happy In Europe!

The Color Pink Makes People Happy In Europe!

Pink is my favorite color. Is that why I'm writing this article? Probably. If it were socially acceptable in my line of work, I would wear a pink s ...

Who Is A Friend To You?

I have very few real friends, and I cherish them. I enjoy reading quotes about love and friendship, and I found some that have truly resonated with m ...

How To: Get Along With Your BF’s or GF’s Friends

Being in love is great. Finding your soul mate and the one you can be with is wonderful. Okay, you have just started a new relationship with your si ...

How To Be Assertive!

Do you get what you want? Do you have control over your life? There is I think a fine line between being assertive and being a bully or a control fre ...
Nap Time – The Best Time of The Day!

Nap Time – The Best Time of The Day!

We have written several articles here on Bit Rebels that deal with sleep and the importance of getting a lot of it for health and well being. However ...
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