Category: Social Media - Page 79

The Twitter Controversy Over Thanking For RTs

The Twitter Controversy Over Thanking For RTs

I’ve always been genuinely appreciative of all my followers, especially when they give me the gift of a retweet. Up until a few days ago, if you foll ...
You’re Busted! | Presenting The Real You On Twitter

You’re Busted! | Presenting The Real You On Twitter

I am quite fascinated with Twitter avatars and how we present ourselves online. As you probably know, our personal brand, whether you buy Twitter like ...
Twitter Community Promotes Spontaneous Hugs

Twitter Community Promotes Spontaneous Hugs

What’s up with all the hugs on Twitter? You don’t have to be on Twitter long until you start seeing hugs in tweets all over the place. I know I send ...
How to: Keep Twittering at work!

How to: Keep Twittering at work!

Are you a hard working person that is truly appreciated at work for everything you do but secretly watch the Internet when no one is watching thinking ...
How to: Update all your Social Networks at once!

How to: Update all your Social Networks at once!

I guess nowadays no one is really just using one Social Networking service but utilizing several at the same time. As we all know spending a true amou ...
How To: Rejuvenate A Brand via Twitter

How To: Rejuvenate A Brand via Twitter

Levi's is a brand that has been innovation leaders in apparel  since 1873. But with so many new brands surfacing, they somehow needed to boost their b ...
Twitter shares sex habits!

Twitter shares sex habits!

How many of you are actually keeping the most private and personal information off Twitter? Today when everything is so security based and pretty much ...
10 Lessons I’ve Learned On Twitter

10 Lessons I’ve Learned On Twitter

This has been a huge year for me personally. I feel like I experienced ten years of personal growth in one 12 month period. I learned a lot about li ...
7 Ways to set up your Auto Tweets

7 Ways to set up your Auto Tweets

One of the most talked about controversies on Twitter. Some use it to spam while some use it to tweet while they are offline to get some sleep. Some u ...

The Twitterholic’s Guide To Last Minute Christmas Shopping

If you are truly addicted to Twitter, chances are, you don’t like shopping, especially Christmas shopping. If you don’t celebrate Christmas, and you ...

5 Ways to Say Thank You to Your Readers/Subscribers

More and more people are getting online, majority would either go online to read blogs, listen to music, research for information or just simply have ...
Big Brother Google is Watching You

Big Brother Google is Watching You

Is Big Brother Google watching you? In a word, yes. This post is not designed to frighten you, only to inform you of what some people are saying tha ...
Gift Ideas for Your TwitterHolic Friends

Gift Ideas for Your TwitterHolic Friends

I remember receiving my first Twitter inspired gift, and that was when my sister got me a Tweet Me Pajamas.  I was so thrilled to use it, being a Twit ...
4 Tips For Handling A Spat With An Internet Friend

4 Tips For Handling A Spat With An Internet Friend

We always hear about the positive side of online communication. I have written close to a dozen articles about developing Twitter relationships, but ...
An Alternative to Google Wave?

An Alternative to Google Wave?

There are a lot of people now using the wave, mostly for collaboration purposes, sharing of ideas and files within a group. We at Bit Rebels have don ...
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