A Tribute To The Most Creative City In The World:  Seattle

A Tribute To The Most Creative City In The World: Seattle

Fast Company magazine named Seattle the most creative city of the year for 2009. I had no idea that the small town of Seattle was such a creative hot ...
Mail Browser | Gmail Plugin

Mail Browser | Gmail Plugin

We get lots of emails everyday, for others more than they can handle. If you are using Gmail, you might want to check out Mail Browser. Mail Brows ...
Intel Introduces Twitter in 3D! | Infoscape

Intel Introduces Twitter in 3D! | Infoscape

Companies have long worked on different ways to browse the ever expanding Internet. And this time it's Intel entering the game and delivers a quite un ...
How To: Not Suck At Writing Tweets

How To: Not Suck At Writing Tweets

I never thought about this topic before this week when a friend of mine sent me an email asking me to teach her how to not suck at writing tweets. Ho ...

Interesting Twitter Tools To Enjoy!

If you are on Twitter, you know that majority of people tweet interesting and varied stuff.  From design, to gadgets, music, news and a lot more depen ...
Newest and Coolest way of camping | Camper Kart

Newest and Coolest way of camping | Camper Kart

So the season for camping might not be just yet but it sure is an appealing though now when the winter blanket has it's shadow on us here in Europe. T ...
Be Careful! | Your Television Can Kill You

Be Careful! | Your Television Can Kill You

Do you watch a lot of television? Do your children? I'm happy to say that because of my busy work and blogging schedule, I don't watch any televisio ...
What’s in Store for 4G iPhone Coming in July 2010?

What’s in Store for 4G iPhone Coming in July 2010?

With the Google phone out, and more smartphones are improving on their products, rumors now are circulating that the iPhone will be releasing it's 4G ...
You blog a lot? | Get the “Bloggie” camera from Sony!

You blog a lot? | Get the “Bloggie” camera from Sony!

In a time when even animals have their own blogs it is apparent that there is a wide audience and focus group for companies to churn out new gadgets f ...
Pixelcrayons | Setting the Standard for Excellence

Pixelcrayons | Setting the Standard for Excellence

I’m a very visual person and I get a lot of inspiration from looking at beautifully designed websites. Since I am not a designer, I often take for gra ...

5 Free File Sharing Sites

Having a big amount of storage to save your file is crucial specially for Freelancers.  A file hosting service, online file storage provider, cyberloc ...
Displays of tomorrow are Transparent | Amazing!

Displays of tomorrow are Transparent | Amazing!

Few people interested in computers and tomorrows technology could have missed the ongoing gadget show CES in Las Vegas. This year more revolutionary d ...
Pablo Picasso Like You’ve Never Seen Before

Pablo Picasso Like You’ve Never Seen Before

I was first exposed to Picasso’s famous painting, Guernica, when I was attending University and studying art history. As if the story of the Spanish ...
How To: Kill your Cable TV!

How To: Kill your Cable TV!

CES is just a haven of new and cool things. As usual there are things that pop out more than others and this year we have covered just a few of them. ...
20 Tips to Look Younger Today

20 Tips to Look Younger Today

We definitely live in a youth obsessed culture because it seems like everyone wants to look younger than their age. If you are one of the lucky ones w ...
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