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How To: Start a Flash Mob
Did you know that the first recorded flash mob happened in Manhattan in the rug department of Macy’s in 2003? Flash mobs have come a long way since t ...

Fashion Trend for 2010 : Techie Light
How cool to see that people are really embracing technology in 2009. We saw an increase in people embracing social media most specially Twitter and F ...
The New Fashion: Wear Your Own Art!
What do you wear on those days when you are feeling fun and creative but you have nothing in your closet that matches your mood? Wear one of these dr ...

Photoshop | Professional Color Correction
Sometimes when we take a photo it doesn't really come out the way that we want it to. Lighting might obscure the details in a picture or the colors in ...

How To: Read People’s Minds
Since I grew up watching Star Trek and Spock’s Vulcan mind melds, I was convinced from a very young age that reading other people’s minds was possible ...

For Your Inspiration: Magnificent Fractals
Since I love both math and art, I’ve always been fascinated with fractals. The Mandelbrot set is one of the most popular ways to play with fractals, ...

Most Expensive Coffee in The World!
Coffee is one drink that is loved by so many people I know. Breakfast won't be complete without coffee.. You can drink it hot or cold, so many variat ...

You Just Can’t Fix Stupid
I haven’t seen good slapstick comedy in a long time. The three stooges show was before my time, but that kind of humor always makes me laugh. It's t ...
Most Expensive iPhone!?
I love my iPhone 3Gs! The video and the camera is very handy. There is no boring moment when you have an iPhone. So many cool applications that you ...
How To: Make the Chewbacca Noise
Now you can be just like everyone’s favorite Wookie, Chewbacca, known as Chewie to all those that love him. Before writing this article, I practiced ...

How To: Make the Most Expensive Christmas Card
Sending Christmas Cards is one of the more popular ways to show your loved ones you care this Holiday Season. I was doing a research for my most expen ...

7 Ways to set up your Auto Tweets
One of the most talked about controversies on Twitter. Some use it to spam while some use it to tweet while they are offline to get some sleep. Some u ...

How To: Handle Meetings Efficiently
I really hate long meetings, it usually eats up a lot of my time, there are times of course that you need to do long meetings, but more often than not ...
Epson & PS3 Introduce Extreme Gaming
If you are a gamer like me, you are going to love this, it’s wicked cool. Now you can strap a PS3 to your back, a projector to your front, and you ca ...
5 Ways to Say Thank You to Your Readers/Subscribers
More and more people are getting online, majority would either go online to read blogs, listen to music, research for information or just simply have ...