Search query: house

Trace Your Footsteps – LED Floor

Trace Your Footsteps – LED Floor

I am a big fan of the LED technology and I believe that it will become one of the leading ways to incorporate light sources into our everyday lives wh ...

Robot Rat is Gonna Get Ya!

Your house has just fallen down on your head and you can't get out.  You regain consciousness to the sound of something coming to get you... rescue m ...
Want World of Warcraft for Free?

Want World of Warcraft for Free?

Well it maybe not the infamous WOW itself, but its a very close "idea".  I have to stand up now and say, I used to play WOW, a good fair bit, my wife ...
Celebrity Caricature

Celebrity Caricature

Celebrities are cool subjects for caricatures. What is a caricature? A caricature can refer to a portrait that exaggerates or distorts the essence of ...
Fun Gizmos

Fun Gizmos

I love that nowadays nothings stops a person from being creative.  Function vs form was the rule in the olden times, but who says form and function c ...
The Woman Behind The Curse “Hello Kitty”

The Woman Behind The Curse “Hello Kitty”

She's in every shopping mall, in every kids room and she's starting to take over the every day life of adults as well. Yeah, I am talking about the "c ...

Trekkies Look Here – Airwalk Sneakers

The new Star Trek movie has become the phenomena of the year. The visuals in the movie is nothing short of stunning and captivating. Every Trekkie mus ...
Pixel Panties!

Pixel Panties!

Who says that underwear needs to be boring? Came across a site that houses tons of cool designs, including Pixel panties. Real fun and witty way to ...
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