Search query: apple iphone

Closet Swap App: Trade Clothes With Your Facebook Friends

Closet Swap App: Trade Clothes With Your Facebook Friends

It's interesting that during these economic times when many people are sticking to a strict budget, some people are using technology to find creative ...
8 Diabolical & Devious Tips For Lying Effectively [Chart]

8 Diabolical & Devious Tips For Lying Effectively [Chart]

I guess I'm in a little bit of a devious mood today because writing about how to tell a good lie isn't normally my style. This just caught my eye as s ...
Detailed Video On Why iOS Multitasking Is Killing Your Battery

Detailed Video On Why iOS Multitasking Is Killing Your Battery

It's so simple to fall into the habit of thinking that technology should just work. Sometimes we think that a gadget is released because it is flawles ...
IceBreak For Couples App: Making Up Just Got Easier

IceBreak For Couples App: Making Up Just Got Easier

Ladies, you know how sometimes we say stupid stuff to the men in our lives, and they get annoyed with us? Usually, we know it's something dumb when we ...
Brain-Twisting Mashup: The Old Starbucks Logo Goes Geek

Brain-Twisting Mashup: The Old Starbucks Logo Goes Geek

As we've often said before, mashups are very popular, and these days artists will mashup just about anything. I usually don't get surprised anymore wh ...
iPad SlingHolder: When Laziness Goes Too Far

iPad SlingHolder: When Laziness Goes Too Far

When it comes to accessories, no gadgets have become as much of a focal point as the Apple gadgets. The iPad, iPhone and all the other "i" gadgets hav ...
Rumored iPad 3 Buttons, iPod Touch 5G Images & iOS 4.3 Video

Rumored iPad 3 Buttons, iPod Touch 5G Images & iOS 4.3 Video

There is anticipation growing in the world now that we don't see Apple founder Steve Jobs taking the wheel back and steering Apple onto the right path ...
The Invaders: Impressive Space Invaders 8-Bit Mosaic Portrait

The Invaders: Impressive Space Invaders 8-Bit Mosaic Portrait

I don't think I can walk up to an old school arcade game without wanting to have it. I am one of the unfortunate ones who does not have my own epic Sp ...
Droid To The World: A Creative Robot Nativity Scene

Droid To The World: A Creative Robot Nativity Scene

If you celebrate Christmas, you might have a nativity scene displayed in your home. Some of the churches here in Atlanta used to put nativity scenes o ...
A Steve Jobs Virtual Shrine [Interactive Mega-Chart]

A Steve Jobs Virtual Shrine [Interactive Mega-Chart]

We all know that Steve Jobs had a monumental impact on the world. It was all put into perspective for me when I saw that quote circulating on Twitter ...
Santa Booth App: Transform Anyone Into A Jolly Santa Claus

Santa Booth App: Transform Anyone Into A Jolly Santa Claus

This grandma included in her social media tips that we shouldn't buy an app that has an ugly logo. I agree with that, and I'd like to take it one step ...
iTar: Convert Your iPad Into A Real Guitar & Much More

iTar: Convert Your iPad Into A Real Guitar & Much More

The gadgets that Apple launches always have a primary use, but fans of the Apple brand have always found ways to push more things into their already f ...
Knockoff Video Game Consoles: WiNi, PolyStation, XGame 360

Knockoff Video Game Consoles: WiNi, PolyStation, XGame 360

This post was so much fun to write because there is just something about seeing counterfeit versions of the stuff we love that is fun in a twisted, cu ...
The Ultimate No Life Test: The App That Confirms You Have No Life

The Ultimate No Life Test: The App That Confirms You Have No Life

I've heard people joke before that they "have no life," but how does a person know whether or not he or she actually has a life? I have a life, I thin ...
Tech Propaganda Posters Designed In WWII Style

Tech Propaganda Posters Designed In WWII Style

Propaganda posters are so much fun, especially when they are designed like they are from the WWII era. That old-timey feel paired with what's current ...
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