Search query: art

7 Traits Of A Good Twitter Friend

7 Traits Of A Good Twitter Friend

My friendships on Twitter are very sacred to me. It’s interesting though because we measure the value of an online friend much differently than we do ...

How To | Get a Girl to Flash you!

With the current event of Joe Francis tax blunders and the on going saga of him getting his money frozen by the government maybe it's time to shed som ...

On The Edge | Coca Cola Can Trick

Christmas is approaching real fast and magic with it. In Sweden we are not a custom to drinking Coca Cola during Christmas as we have a long tradition ...

8 Secrets To Writing Killer Post Titles

One of the first things I figured out when I became a blogger is that the title to your post can make or break you. I read several blogs each day, an ...

New TweetDeck Features! Sweeeeet!!!!!!

Thanks to  Diana the other day when she told me that TweetDeck now has upgraded to a new version.  The version is fully loaded with new features that ...
What’s Most Annoying About Twitter? See Your Answers Here

What’s Most Annoying About Twitter? See Your Answers Here

I love my Twitter and you’ve never seen me complain about it in any post I’ve ever written. I am a Twitterholic and I’m plugged into what’s going on ...
Bitrebels ©h®is™@s g33k wish list

Bitrebels ©h®is™@s g33k wish list

Have you been thinking about your wish list all year? If you haven't finished all your Christmas shopping last week and need a pressie for the geek in ...

5 Reasons Why You Should Comment on Blog Posts

I read a lot of blogs everyday, specially the ones on design, on technology, on advertising.  When I feel a bit down, I check out the funny blogs, pic ...
How Google is failing the launch of Google Wave

How Google is failing the launch of Google Wave

It has been a while now since the Google team announced their heavily anticipated new addition to the ever growing Google empire. This time it was a w ...
Go Elf Yourself!

Go Elf Yourself!

You heard me... Go Elf Yourself! Last year OfficeMax started a viral marketing campaign where you could upload an image of your own face into an an ...
How To: Get Free Stuff With Little Effort

How To: Get Free Stuff With Little Effort

You are going to love this article because I’m going to show you how you can get free stuff with a very small amount of effort. In this economy when ...

What is #FollowFriday on Twitter? Make it Count!

For those new on Twitter and you see on your stream a hashtag #FollowFriday, this is Twitter's day Friday, the time to share with your followers your ...
Oldschool Arcade Games | In Lego

Oldschool Arcade Games | In Lego

I was born at a time which made me the primary target group for any new home arcade console system during the mid 80's. And boy was I the target and t ...
Brilliant Beer Can Creations

Brilliant Beer Can Creations

I love beer. There is nothing better than going to a baseball game and cheering on the team while drinking a cold one. I know, it’s not very ladylik ...
Hone Their Talents While Young!

Hone Their Talents While Young!

My parents have been wonderful in rearing us all 4 when we were growing up.  Specially my dad, he always encouraged us to study hard, finish our cours ...
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