Search query: art

Using Jealousy To Transform Your Life

“To cure jealousy is to see it for what it is, a dissatisfaction with self” ~ Joan Didion Everyone has been jealous at one time or another. As well ...
5 Things to do with a Really Big Hand

5 Things to do with a Really Big Hand

I'm not just talking about a really big hand here, but rather an incredibly-large mechanical appendage that one man has made out of metal. This DIY ...
Typography | 5000 Eggs to Say Happy Holiday

Typography | 5000 Eggs to Say Happy Holiday

Typography has always been a great way to design unique and interesting pieces of art. As a designer you can't but appreciate the time someone puts do ...

The Crisis of Credit | Visual Illustration

I want to share this video with our readers for two reasons. First, we are all affected by the content, no matter where you live. Granted the focus of ...
Apple Really Does Make You “Think Different”

Apple Really Does Make You “Think Different”

I’m a huge Mac fan. I’m inspired by Apple and Steve Jobs. I know, I know - It sounds so cliché! However, despite the title, this is not just anot ...
Super Cool Car You’ve Probably Never Heard Of!

Super Cool Car You’ve Probably Never Heard Of!

In the rarefied world of supercars, some names stand alone. Ferrari. Bugatti. Lamborghini. But there are all kinds of boutique automakers producing sm ...

The Cat Piano| Award Winning Animation

I love cats and when I found The Cat Piano..  I said I needed to feature this great piece of animation. The awards it has garnered also speaks a lot a ...
Want to Know the Real Cause of Gray Hair?

Want to Know the Real Cause of Gray Hair?

I heard it from my mother at least a million times growing up, “Diana, don’t do that, you are giving me gray hair!” Now that I’m getting a little o ...


You might be wondering what this contraption is, well its called the Monsterpod! What is it you might ask? MonsterPod™ is the most amazing, ...
Remarkable Talking Dogs!

Remarkable Talking Dogs!

I adopted a dog from the animal shelter a year ago and up until today, I was convinced she could talk to me. When I look at her and say, “Do you want ...
Chocolate grows on trees

Chocolate grows on trees

If you're like me, you would quickly ask, 'where can I buy such a tree.' I recently visited the Theo Chocolate Factory in Seattle, where I learned not ...
A Day in The Life of a Web Designer

A Day in The Life of a Web Designer

Ok, so it's been official for quite some time and somehow it has escaped clients that creating a website doesn't just take a few hours as some may thi ...
How To: Eat Rice with Chopsticks

How To: Eat Rice with Chopsticks

I’ve been eating with chopsticks my entire life and it has always been second nature to me, except when it comes to eating rice. I usually try to pic ...
Worlds Best Sandwich

Worlds Best Sandwich

I know it will be hard to argue what the world's best sandwich is, since we each have distinctive tastes and preferences, however I couldn't let this ...
How to Get Video Wallpapers on the iPhone

How to Get Video Wallpapers on the iPhone

The iPhone has a fleet of cool applications to get through the App Store and there never seems to be any void in the presenting of new and cool featur ...
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