Search query: coffee
Creative Angel Wing Cookies: Heavenly Treats!
Tis the season for baking cookies... oh wait, it's always the season for baking cookies! Right? You love cookies and boy do we ever have a lot of coo ...
Bubble Wrap Tie: The Joyful Workday Has Arrived!
If you have ever had a day at work when you wished that time would go by faster to make it all as painless as possible, you know what I mean when I sa ...
Luxurious Life: 10 Foods & Drinks Made With Real Gold
According to the magazines, the food craze right now is all about adding edible gold to our foods and drinks. It sounds like a good idea to me! Afte ...
The Making Of The Empire Strikes Back
Ahh... The Empire Strikes Back. It's by far my favorite of all the Star Wars movies. I was just a little kid when it came out, but I remember I wanted ...
The Ultimate Papercraft Project: Life Made Out Of Paper
We've featured a lot of papercraft on Bit Rebels in the past, but this project by Don Lucho is pretty much the mother of them all. He created an enti ...
Take A Ride In A Chocolate Boat!
Chocolate makes me happy, and I can't imagine eating it without a smile on my face. I love all kinds of chocolate; even white chocolate and dark choc ...
Meet The Woman Who Is Allergic To Money (Really!)
I understand how serious allergies can be. I went through a stage in my life where I had to get several shots each week because of my allergies, so I ...
Woman Sues Yahoo Over Search Results and Loses
This court case reminds me of all the funny Seinfeld episodes where they sued for ridiculous reasons, like Kramer getting burned by the coffee and the ...
LCD Faucet: Water Goes Digital!
If you are planning to geek out your home, and if you are looking for inspiration, you are about to get inspired. Sure, a cool coffee table and a cou ...
12 Unique Flask Designs For Your Drinking Pleasure!
I usually get a flask as a gift during Christmas. They are sent by clients and suppliers as gifts almost every year. It just puzzles me why they sen ...
Clumsy: The Coaster That Safeguards Your Spill
Are you usually compared to Clumsy, one of the 7 dwarfs in the Disney classic? Do you find yourself always asking for napkins when chillin' with your ...
Social Networking Mugs: Are You Addicted?
Social networking has, of course, been around for some time now, but these take the whole thing just a little bit further. If you're a social network ...
Obsessive Consumption – How Much Money We Spend Illustrated
Personal finances are just that, personal. I notice that people start to get uncomfortable when the topic comes up. Unfortunately, we aren't taught ...
Get Creative – Pimp Your Pizza Cutter
My 9-year-old son eats pizza at least four times a week. If I'm a coffee-holic, he is definitely a pizza-holic. Sometimes we order it to be delivere ...
Creative Eggs and Toast – Breakfast Inspiration
We always hear about the importance of eating breakfast, yet it is still one of those meals that is just easier to skip. For me, a cup of coffee or h ...