Search query: email

Photoshop | Manga Yourself – Awesome Tutorial

Photoshop | Manga Yourself – Awesome Tutorial

After my previous post here on Bit Rebels about "Everything Manga". A bunch of Photoshop tutorials I decided to delve deeper into the Manga world to s ...
Prepare To Be Blown Away | Artist David Hoang

Prepare To Be Blown Away | Artist David Hoang

I’ve featured many artists in Bit Rebels posts, but this one is special. Prepare to be blown away by his art, and even more so by his vision. Seat ...
What is Google Docs? Do you use them?

What is Google Docs? Do you use them?

I recently discovered Google docs and man was it such a great way to be super productive. Google Docs i s a free, Web-based word processor, spreadshe ...
How To: Finally Get Your Google Wave Invite

How To: Finally Get Your Google Wave Invite

A friend came to my house today to check out Google Wave. She wanted a wave account so badly, and within 30 minutes of our visit, she had her own acc ...
Pixavid for Easy Picture Sharing

Pixavid for Easy Picture Sharing

Pictures are our best way to share to others memories, our experiences, the wacky and the everyday happenings.  And it has also been a trend now for p ...
Web Service to See Who is Tweeting Links from Your Content

Web Service to See Who is Tweeting Links from Your Content

Tweetiator is a patent-pending web service that allows content owners to see who is tweeting links to their content on Twitter. It was conceived and d ...
Google Wave in Plain English

Google Wave in Plain English

No one could have missed the pre-invitations to Google's new and highly anticipated email killer. Or at least that's how it's portrayed. I was happily ...

My Experience with Google Wave – A Review

Several weeks ago I wrote an article called, “Will Google Wave Replace Twitter?”. Today, I am writing a follow up article now that I have had firsthan ...
Privacy with Your Online Diary?!

Privacy with Your Online Diary?!

Are you like Bridgette Jones and writes on her diary?  Now there is a new application called PENZU.  Penzu is an online diary and personal journal tha ...
Fresh Project Management Tool Online!

Fresh Project Management Tool Online!

With our fast paced life, we need tools to help us manage our business better and more efficient.  Now there is a new application called Timetonote. T ...
On The Road | Your Trip Book

On The Road | Your Trip Book

If you have friends like me who travel a lot.  Wouldn't be cool to see what he or she is up to through the duration of their trip.  Wouldn't it be nic ...
Tame Your Phone with Google Voice

Tame Your Phone with Google Voice

If you have not heard of the new service from Google you really need to check this out. You may remember Google acquired GrandCentral and are now rol ...
My 3 Favorite Sites to Play Music on Twitter

My 3 Favorite Sites to Play Music on Twitter

Music is one big source of inspiration for me, helps me relax.  Puts me in the mood for work.  Cheers me up when I feel blue.  But since most of my ti ...
What you can do with an IP Address

What you can do with an IP Address

I wrote an article recently explaining how to hide your IP address to be a little bit safer on the Internet when you are surfing. I'd like to take tha ...
Will Google Wave Replace Twitter?

Will Google Wave Replace Twitter?

Before I weigh in on the answer to the question "Will Google Wave replace Twitter," I want to explain to you the best I can what the heck Google Wave ...
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