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6 Ways To Open A Beer Bottle Without A Bottle Opener

6 Ways To Open A Beer Bottle Without A Bottle Opener

I remember a couple years ago when that video about how to open a beer bottle or a bottle of wine on a tree went viral. If you look on YouTube now, yo ...
Unbelievable Formula 1 Simulator For Gaming Fanatics

Unbelievable Formula 1 Simulator For Gaming Fanatics

If you are a gaming fanatic, or if you are in need of beginner sim racing tips, then you know there are some seriously impressive and realistic lookin ...
Ninja Blocks: Connecting The Real World To The Internet

Ninja Blocks: Connecting The Real World To The Internet

I am a huge gadget geek, we all know that by now, and I guess you are too if you're reading this. The thing is, I usually find myself trying to figure ...
Cerealism Art: Extraordinary Realism According To Breakfast Cereal

Cerealism Art: Extraordinary Realism According To Breakfast Cereal

For some oddly wonderful reason, breakfast cereal seems to inspire a lot of artists and photographers. I suppose it makes sense. You wake up in the mo ...
Zombie Army Men Inspired By The Walking Dead

Zombie Army Men Inspired By The Walking Dead

Omg, reeeeally? I'm getting some of these zombie army men, even though they are ridiculously expensive. If you've been reading my articles for a while ...
Hue: The iPhone Controlled Light Bulb System

Hue: The iPhone Controlled Light Bulb System

Light has always been one of the factors that decides our mood and creativity. Without light, we would all probably go insane at some point. Light is ...
Comic Books vs. Films: Should Fans React To The Inaccuracy?

Comic Books vs. Films: Should Fans React To The Inaccuracy?

The summer of superhero epics has ended. The Avengers have assembled. Spider-Man was amazing. The Dark Knight Rose. Next summer will introduce familia ...
DIY Enthusiasts: The Magnetic Tool That Eliminates Smashed Fingers

DIY Enthusiasts: The Magnetic Tool That Eliminates Smashed Fingers

DIY projects can be fun, and many of us Do-It-Yourselfers like to take on tasks like recycling old wooden boxes into brand new bird houses or refurbis ...
Ultimate Guide For Scoring The Most Halloween Candy & Trading It

Ultimate Guide For Scoring The Most Halloween Candy & Trading It

Happy Halloween! I sent a tweet this morning that said I am so happy it's Halloween, not because I love Halloween, but because it marks the beginning ...
Reinventing The Wallet With The Innovative TGT Wallet

Reinventing The Wallet With The Innovative TGT Wallet

I know from personal experience that an ordinary wallet can get pretty bulky really quickly. You put your money, credit cards, photos and receipts rig ...
Beautiful Birdhouses Created From Trash Decorate Urban Areas

Beautiful Birdhouses Created From Trash Decorate Urban Areas

One thing about animals and nature which always fascinates me is how they both adapt to whatever conditions they are faced with. There is a lot we can ...
Instant Instagram Picture Calendar Printing With Printstagram

Instant Instagram Picture Calendar Printing With Printstagram

Instagram is on everyone's tongue right now. Everyone is talking about it, and everyone seems to be using it. Facebook did good in acquiring this mega ...
Bat Hangers: Creative & Sleek Batman Clothes Hanger Design

Bat Hangers: Creative & Sleek Batman Clothes Hanger Design

I think all Batman fans secretly want their own batcaves. If they don't want a batcave, they definitely appreciate finding ways to bring Batman into t ...
Tree Tent Takes You High & Above Your Dreams

Tree Tent Takes You High & Above Your Dreams

Being a resident in this constantly innovating world is somewhat of an adventure. There are continuously new concepts and ways to spend your time both ...
A Tribute To The ’80s VHS Tapes & Games [12 Sharpie Drawings]

A Tribute To The ’80s VHS Tapes & Games [12 Sharpie Drawings]

I can still remember the day that our family got a VCR when I was young. My little sisters and I were so excited that we would actually be able to wat ...
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