Search query: house

Lego Ray Gun: Insane Build With Amazing Retro Feel

Lego Ray Gun: Insane Build With Amazing Retro Feel

When it comes to Lego guns, there are really two camps. There are those that either embrace the creativeness, or those that really hate the concept be ...
The Truth About Grandmas, Grandpas & Technology

The Truth About Grandmas, Grandpas & Technology

You know I love grandmas and grandpas. I write about them a lot. The older generation has a lot of love and wisdom to share with us. We just have to t ...
Trexels: 235 Star Trek Characters In Awesome Pixelations

Trexels: 235 Star Trek Characters In Awesome Pixelations

I think it's safe to say that everyone will agree when I argue that Star Trek is probably the most influential science fiction TV show ever created. N ...
Get Your Geek On: The Circuit Board Coffee Table

Get Your Geek On: The Circuit Board Coffee Table

This coffee table is completely geektastic on so many levels. We've seen circuit board coffee tables before, like this one Richard wrote about called ...
3 Anti-Theft Ways To Keep Your Coffee & Lunch Safe

3 Anti-Theft Ways To Keep Your Coffee & Lunch Safe

There are a couple of annoyances that go along with working in an office with a lot of co-workers. The more people that are in the office, the greater ...
Rymdreglage: 8-Bit Retro Lego Stop Motion Music Video

Rymdreglage: 8-Bit Retro Lego Stop Motion Music Video

When geeks get creative the most wonderful things can happen. It doesn't always happen, but it does quite often, even if I may say so myself. A geek's ...
Interesting Facts About Your Sleep & Your Mattress

Interesting Facts About Your Sleep & Your Mattress

Is sleep important to you? I remember when I was younger, I could literally stay awake for days without feeling tired. I remained active even if I had ...
How To: Delete A Drunk Night On Twitter & Facebook

How To: Delete A Drunk Night On Twitter & Facebook

I'm sure you have never had one too many glasses of wine and started tweeting and DM'ing inappropriate stuff like a maniac, of course not! *wink* Howe ...
WTF: Bikini Woman Freaks Out At Burger King

WTF: Bikini Woman Freaks Out At Burger King

People are freaking crazy. There, I said it. No really, they are. No wonder I stay in my house on my computer surfing the Internet all day, it's the o ...
WTF: The William & Kate Commemorative Refrigerator

WTF: The William & Kate Commemorative Refrigerator

I don't really get into the royal wedding frenzy each time one of those events is about to happen. However, this time, with Prince William and Kate Mi ...
Movie Quiz: Movie Titles In The Form Of Geek Math

Movie Quiz: Movie Titles In The Form Of Geek Math

Keeping up with all the latest movies and their trailers isn't much of a challenge these days. The Internet has made it possible for us to know instan ...
Visual Inspiration: Psychedelic Exploding Egg Photography

Visual Inspiration: Psychedelic Exploding Egg Photography

After an unseasonably cold winter, I'm happy to report that it is officially spring in Atlanta! Yay! Other than my iPhone getting covered in pollen th ...
Working From Home: Facts vs. Fiction [Infographic]

Working From Home: Facts vs. Fiction [Infographic]

I work from home, and I have for so long that I don't know what it would be like to drive to an office each day. Most of my friends; however, still do ...
The Next Generation Real Life Jukebox Is A Geek Must Have

The Next Generation Real Life Jukebox Is A Geek Must Have

As technology geeks, we're constantly looking for the next cool thing. It doesn't matter if it won't catch on to become the next trendy thing, you ju ...
Geek Living: Lego Kitchen Counter For The Creative People

Geek Living: Lego Kitchen Counter For The Creative People

There are a lot of things you can build using Lego, and it seems we're starting to see some rather large builds.  They might not look very complex or ...
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