Search query: house

This Pool Creates Waves In The Shape Of…Anything!

This Pool Creates Waves In The Shape Of…Anything!

I have heard of wave making machines for indoor pools and even machines that are able to create 10 foot waves for people to surf on, inhouse. However ...
Silly Putty 2.0 Has Arrived – It’s Magnetic & It Thinks

Silly Putty 2.0 Has Arrived – It’s Magnetic & It Thinks

I loved playing with silly putty when I was a little girl. Back then, in the prehistoric ages, my parents actually read an old fashioned newspaper. ...
Stormtrooper Photography Guaranteed To Make You Smile

Stormtrooper Photography Guaranteed To Make You Smile

Have you noticed the stormtrooper photography trend? It seems like every day new collections of stormtroopers are being photographed and shared on fl ...
Spaceship Shower – Just Fold It Up When Not In Use!

Spaceship Shower – Just Fold It Up When Not In Use!

The earth is quickly becoming over populated, and space is soon something that no one will be taking for granted. With this comes smaller and smaller ...
Alien Wackiness – Home Decor Inspiration (wth?)

Alien Wackiness – Home Decor Inspiration (wth?)

Omg... sometimes we just have too much fun on Bit Rebels. Last night I wrote an article about a giant alien shower sculpture that vomits water. I ha ...
Could You Live In This Space? – Architectural Inspiration

Could You Live In This Space? – Architectural Inspiration

Yesterday I wrote an article about a woman that has downsized her life to the point that she is living in a house that is only 84 square feet. That w ...
The Kitchen Of The Future – It Totally Flips

The Kitchen Of The Future – It Totally Flips

The kitchen is probably the third most visited room in any house or apartment, depending on the size of it of course. Since we spend so much time in ...
Space Age Ant Habitat For The Geek In You!

Space Age Ant Habitat For The Geek In You!

Kids love keeping pets like hamsters, rats, snakes and ants. When I was younger, I wanted my own ant farm, but of course my parents would not let us ...
Fool’s Gold – A Fun Four Day Graffiti Extravaganza!

Fool’s Gold – A Fun Four Day Graffiti Extravaganza!

World famous UK graffiti artists INSA and Inkie did it! They traveled to four countries in four days for a ton of parties, painting, good times and F ...
A Folding Luxury Shelter For The Traveling Geek

A Folding Luxury Shelter For The Traveling Geek

If you ever find yourself traveling the world to attend events or just to see the wonders that it has to offer, then you no doubt need somewhere to la ...
A Giant Coca-Cola Man Celebrates The World Cup!

A Giant Coca-Cola Man Celebrates The World Cup!

Since the Coca-Cola headquarters is about ten minutes away from my house, you can understand that here in Atlanta, Coke is tradition and a legacy all ...
Hundreds of Rubik’s Cubes Create Colorful Pixel Art

Hundreds of Rubik’s Cubes Create Colorful Pixel Art

I've got a very serious question for you. Which would be easier - solving a Rubik's cube or creating this Rubik's cube artwork? Hmmm... Now that is ...
The Magic Of This Art Transformed Sadness Into Happiness!

The Magic Of This Art Transformed Sadness Into Happiness!

Before I moved to Atlanta years ago, I lived for a brief time in Charleston, South Carolina. In Charleston, there is a historical street called Rainb ...
Beware – This Is The Meanest Scale In The Whole World

Beware – This Is The Meanest Scale In The Whole World

I haven't had a scale in my house for a long time. I finally decided a while back that I wasn't going to be a slave to it anymore, and I threw it in ...
Recycled Magazine Shelf – Home Decor Inspiration

Recycled Magazine Shelf – Home Decor Inspiration

For some people, collecting old magazines is a serious hobby. It reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where George's father collected TV Guides. I don ...
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