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Can’t Afford an iPad? – Get an iNotePad!

Can’t Afford an iPad? – Get an iNotePad!

This is great! The next generation iPad is here! Introducing the iNotePad. According to, the iNotePad has been carefully crafted to ...
Temporary Hand Tattoos – Easy and Fun!

Temporary Hand Tattoos – Easy and Fun!

Have you ever tried telling stories to young children using hand puppets? I have. When my youngest brother was a little boy, I would tell him storie ...
40 Hour Doodles – These Are Not Photographs!

40 Hour Doodles – These Are Not Photographs!

We have touched on the subject before here on Bit Rebels. Doodling is a common endeavor and is done on different levels by our readers and visitors. ...
Pucker Up – Plump & Juicy Lip Photography

Pucker Up – Plump & Juicy Lip Photography

Lips, lips, lips... what is it about them? We are all so fascinated with lips. Is it true that the bigger the better? My sister gave me some bionic ...

3 Possible Reasons Why People Are Ignoring Your Tweets

There are so many people getting on Twitter these days, and more and more are either learning the beauty of Twitter or getting frustrated with it. Th ...
The Color Pink Makes People Happy In Europe!

The Color Pink Makes People Happy In Europe!

Pink is my favorite color. Is that why I'm writing this article? Probably. If it were socially acceptable in my line of work, I would wear a pink s ...

Who Is A Friend To You?

I have very few real friends, and I cherish them. I enjoy reading quotes about love and friendship, and I found some that have truly resonated with m ...
An Artist’s Funny Interpretation of a Weak Economy

An Artist’s Funny Interpretation of a Weak Economy

These dollar bills made me giggle when I saw them. This artist depicts the "sick" state of our economy with these simple illustrations. Matthew Do ...

How To Be Assertive!

Do you get what you want? Do you have control over your life? There is I think a fine line between being assertive and being a bully or a control fre ...
Whole Body Snuggies – The Ultimate Geek Garments!

Whole Body Snuggies – The Ultimate Geek Garments!

We all remember Diana's wildly successful post about the geek snuggies that were almost too cool to write about. They were as geeky as they were cool ...
Melted Straws Fuse Together To Create Unusual Art

Melted Straws Fuse Together To Create Unusual Art

One of the many things I have learned from being a writer at Bit Rebels is that art can be created out of anything. A true artist is only limited by ...

How To: Make A Ghost Photo In Photoshop

You might remember the post about scaring the bejeezus out of your friends with an app for the iPhone. It was a truly great trick to spread a certain ...

How To: Make Your Own Tattoo Gun Using An Electric Toothbrush!

A few years ago if you got a tattoo you were considered a bad boy of society. Nowadays it's as common as going to the store to get milk. Pretty much ...

Iron Baby Is Here! – Beats Iron Man’s Butt Many Times Over

I feel a little ashamed right now cause I have to admit that I haven't yet seen Iron Man 2. Yup, that's right, I haven't seen it yet and it's really ...
The iPhone Gun Case – For The Clint Eastwood & Al Pacino In You

The iPhone Gun Case – For The Clint Eastwood & Al Pacino In You

You can definitely tell that I live in the Southern part of the States with this article. There are many places where shooting a gun is considered a ...
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