Search query: job

This Is The Geekiest Thing You’ll Read All Day

This Is The Geekiest Thing You’ll Read All Day

Warning: If you don't have a pocket protector with at least 12 pencils, don't even attempt to read this article. This is proof that there is a secre ...
USB Flash Memory Cufflinks For The Lavish Geek

USB Flash Memory Cufflinks For The Lavish Geek

Again I just have to touch on the subject of USB memory sticks and their potential unbeatable use. As you all know, I have been reviewing quite a lot ...
The Biggest Augmented Reality In The World?

The Biggest Augmented Reality In The World?

Technology can be daunting, but it can be fun too. I am lucky that my world revolves around so many fascinating facets of technology that go with my ...

Ultra Inspiring Demo Reel By Ronald Monahan

As you guys know, I am a designer first but also a heavy fan of computer generated graphics as seen on my other site, I am a CG junkie ...
Interview: Seventh.Ink – The Rise Of A T-Shirt Empire

Interview: Seventh.Ink – The Rise Of A T-Shirt Empire

Everyone that knows me knows that I am a t-shirt fanatic in every sense. I literally have a whole closet full of them. It's just the way I roll I gues ...
The World As Seen Through Bubbles!

The World As Seen Through Bubbles!

I love blogging. I see the world differently because of it. However, not only differently, but I should say, I literally became aware of everything ...
Robots Are Now Marrying Humans – What’s Next?

Robots Are Now Marrying Humans – What’s Next?

The first step to us loving and accepting robots into our daily lives is to start giving them jobs that are typically only held by humans. We have to ...
Beautiful Images Inspired by Rain

Beautiful Images Inspired by Rain

It has been so hot here in the Philippines lately that we have been praying for rain. Rain can evoke a lot of feelings within us including nostalgia, ...
Carefully Crafted Sculptures Made From Laundry

Carefully Crafted Sculptures Made From Laundry

Our clothes have a lot of character. Take a look inside someone's closet. It can truly tell a story about that person and their life. When asked ...
Pororoca – Amazingly Designed & Animated Fiction Sea Organisms

Pororoca – Amazingly Designed & Animated Fiction Sea Organisms

Everyone that knows me knows that I am a sucker for realistically animated short movies. I take every free second I have to find something that will ...

7 Online Tools To Create Invoices For Freelancers & Small Businesses

I worked as a freelancer for two years before I entered the advertising world. It takes a lot of hard work to be a freelancer. Your time may be your o ...
Interview: Paymo – When Time Tracking Gets Serious

Interview: Paymo – When Time Tracking Gets Serious

As a freelance designer, I know the importance of accurately and continuously tracking time to know exactly how much I am going to charge the client w ...
Rust Stickers – Can They Keep Your Car From Getting Stolen?

Rust Stickers – Can They Keep Your Car From Getting Stolen?

Dominic Wilcox is one of my favorite designers. I've always admired his work. You've probably seen him before. Richard wrote an article about one o ...
This Is The Next Generation iTunes Store…

This Is The Next Generation iTunes Store…

Today a lucky bar solicitor found himself in a prosperous situation when he stumbled over something that looked like a forgotten iPhone laying around ...

How To: Make A Difficult Task Easier!

This week has been so hectic for my office mates and me. It seems that the workload is not easing up as much as we want it to. However, it is a chal ...
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