Search query: job

Think Before You Post: Job Background Checks [Infographic]

Think Before You Post: Job Background Checks [Infographic]

It has long been said that what you write online today will always be there in the future. This could be taken as a warning or as pure inspiration. Kn ...
Is Your Job Killing You? [Infographic]

Is Your Job Killing You? [Infographic]

Do you feel like you have a stressful job? Are you considering finding a less stressful job just to save a little bit of energy until you get old? No ...
Social Media Background Checks: Modern Day Job Screening [Chart]

Social Media Background Checks: Modern Day Job Screening [Chart]

I was listening to a radio show the other day while I was working, and as they were talking about the role of social media in the hiring process, the ...
Rare Look At Steve Jobs From 1984

Rare Look At Steve Jobs From 1984

When you look into the eyes of Steve Jobs in this photograph below, which was taken in 1984, you can see so much. It's almost as if he knew he was abo ...
Social Media Jobs Salary Guide [Infographic]

Social Media Jobs Salary Guide [Infographic]

If you are new to the whole social media scene, you are of course wondering if there is really anyone working in it, like for real. I can tell you rig ...
Assemble Your Own Papercraft Steve Jobs Keynote

Assemble Your Own Papercraft Steve Jobs Keynote

Isn't it interesting how people keep creating things that we don't need, but we really want? I mean, how can it be that we are going about our everyda ...
iSteve: Lifelike Steve Jobs Collectible Now Available

iSteve: Lifelike Steve Jobs Collectible Now Available

The world is seemingly getting more weird every day that goes by. From the perspective of unusual art and creations, this is quite normal. However, wh ...
Hello Steve: Creator Of Hello Kitty Makes A Steve Jobs Tribute Doll

Hello Steve: Creator Of Hello Kitty Makes A Steve Jobs Tribute Doll

It seems we just can't stop talking about the genius of our time, Steve Jobs. And by all means, he is worthy of all the praise in the world. If it wou ...
Apple On Borrowed Time Without Jobs

Apple On Borrowed Time Without Jobs

I have been following the works of the great Steve Jobs and Bill Gates for some time. It has been an interest of mine to follow and review historical ...
A Steve Jobs Virtual Shrine [Interactive Mega-Chart]

A Steve Jobs Virtual Shrine [Interactive Mega-Chart]

We all know that Steve Jobs had a monumental impact on the world. It was all put into perspective for me when I saw that quote circulating on Twitter ...
Social Media Job Hunting: Reshaping Our Future [Infographic]

Social Media Job Hunting: Reshaping Our Future [Infographic]

Last month I wrote an article called 7 Sounds Kids Born Today Will Never Know. I have a new sound to add to that list. It's the rushing around sound o ...
The Inflatable Pillow Tie: Sneak Sleep On The Job

The Inflatable Pillow Tie: Sneak Sleep On The Job

Sometimes waking up early in the morning can be anything but pleasant. There are a million things you can do though to make a day a pretty good one. H ...
Life’s Too Short For The Wrong Job [10 Pics]

Life’s Too Short For The Wrong Job [10 Pics]

This is such an oldie but a goodie! Every once in a while, I'll stumble across something that I remember seeing from many years ago, but it's so epic ...
Steve Jobs Tribute iPhone 4S Cases Now Available

Steve Jobs Tribute iPhone 4S Cases Now Available

It's now been a while since Steve Jobs had to unwillingly retire from his earthly domains. People around the world are still missing his enigmatic per ...
A Magazine Is Just A Broken iPad: Best Steve Jobs Tribute Ever

A Magazine Is Just A Broken iPad: Best Steve Jobs Tribute Ever

One week after the death of Steve Jobs, I compiled my favorite 50 tributes to him in a post called The 50 Best Steve Jobs Tributes From All Over The W ...
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