Search query: social media

How To Calculate & Compare Social Engagement [Infographic]

How To Calculate & Compare Social Engagement [Infographic]

I have personally always thought that it was hard to compare engagement on different social networking services. First of all, you need to have the sa ...
A Social Networking Bill Of Rights [Infographic]

A Social Networking Bill Of Rights [Infographic]

When I first read last month about employers asking potential employees for their Facebook passwords as part of the job interview process, I was in di ...
The Social Harvest: The Cost Of A Like & Follower [Infographic]

The Social Harvest: The Cost Of A Like & Follower [Infographic]

There are a whole lot of sub-topics when it comes to the use of social media and networking. The multitude of uses is of course one of the fundamental ...
Goodreads: The Social Network For Readers & Writers Alike

Goodreads: The Social Network For Readers & Writers Alike

Goodreads, the social networking site for authors and readers that lets you rate and review books as you read them, is extremely popular amongst book ...
Social vs. Search Marketing: How They Compare [Infographic]

Social vs. Search Marketing: How They Compare [Infographic]

Marketing your product or service is of course a key part of the process for getting your idea out there in front of the masses. Without marketing, th ...
Interview Tips For Creating A Media Frenzy

Interview Tips For Creating A Media Frenzy

Do you want all your hard work to make connections with the media to go up in smoke for you and your brand? Can you afford for your PR team to spend t ...
Social Brand Value: Leading Brands Compared [Infographic]

Social Brand Value: Leading Brands Compared [Infographic]

When building a presence on the Internet for your company and brand, it is important to give your customers and the people who like what you do a chan ...
Take A Photo: A Social Experiment With Disposable Cameras

Take A Photo: A Social Experiment With Disposable Cameras

It seems like everyone is picture crazy these days. We all love to take pictures and share them, especially online. I remember just ten years ago when ...
Facebook Friends Poster: Social Patchwork For Your Wall

Facebook Friends Poster: Social Patchwork For Your Wall

It's common knowledge that no matter how many friends, followers or viewers you have when using social media, if they don't engage and interact with y ...
The Evolution Of Social Gaming [Infographic]

The Evolution Of Social Gaming [Infographic]

When we talk about social media as it relates to business, we probably all think about social networking and how it will most likely increase the prod ...
A Hierarchy Of Social Communication: Know Your Tools [Infographic]

A Hierarchy Of Social Communication: Know Your Tools [Infographic]

In a social media climate where new services are continuously poking at our attention, we need to know more than ever what it is we're trying to achie ...
The Social Networking Service Evaluation Bubble [Infographic]

The Social Networking Service Evaluation Bubble [Infographic]

A while back, we were amazed by the fact that you could actually earn millions of dollars by starting a website. Some people did it, and they were the ...
Current Geosocial Universe: Who’s The Big Dog Now?

Current Geosocial Universe: Who’s The Big Dog Now?

For a while now, the term geosocial has been quite a buzzword in the social media world. If you are unfamiliar with geosocial or the phrase geosocial ...
The Current State Of Social Networking [Infographic]

The Current State Of Social Networking [Infographic]

To be updated on the current state of all the social networking services is not always easy. You have to pull considerable amounts of data, compile it ...
The Exorcist & The Social Network Explained In 60 Seconds

The Exorcist & The Social Network Explained In 60 Seconds

It seems like nowadays for every popular movie, you can find a mini version on YouTube. Sometimes it is just a spoof, but if it's well thought out, a ...
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