Search query: watch

7 Steps: The Evolution Of A Social Media Friendship

7 Steps: The Evolution Of A Social Media Friendship

I remember back in the day (2009), I wrote many articles about how to build real friendships in social media. Back then; people were skeptical that i ...
This Is What A Typical Person Looks Like: Are You Typical?

This Is What A Typical Person Looks Like: Are You Typical?

I've often wondered what keeps a company like National Geographic (formerly National Geographic Magazine) going decade after decade.  That yellow-fram ...
Posters: Apparently Star Wars Was Very Different In Hungary

Posters: Apparently Star Wars Was Very Different In Hungary

I love it when people add some creativity to what otherwise would be the usual ordinary thing.  It's like a gust of fresh air.  Sure, if it's too out ...
Chicks Rule: Power of Women in Social Media [Infographic]

Chicks Rule: Power of Women in Social Media [Infographic]

Until recently, I never really thought about the differences between men and women in social media. I've seen articles here and there about it, but I ...
19 Things About Star Wars You Didn’t Know [Infographic]

19 Things About Star Wars You Didn’t Know [Infographic]

Phew, it's hard work keeping up with all of the awesomeness of Star Wars.  If we published everything we ever came across about Star Wars, Bit Rebels ...
This Is Why Parents Shouldn’t Text [Humor]

This Is Why Parents Shouldn’t Text [Humor]

I refuse to friend anyone in my family on Facebook. There, I said it. It completely creeps me out when my two worlds collide. There is a friend wor ...
For These Kids The Neverending Story Never Ended

For These Kids The Neverending Story Never Ended

I remember when I saw the movie Neverending Story for the very first time.  I was mesmerized, and I can still watch that movie just to get that retro ...
For Your Next Tweet Up: Twitter Inspired Beer Glasses

For Your Next Tweet Up: Twitter Inspired Beer Glasses

We have featured a lot of Twitter inspired designs, and one thing I'm noticing as time goes on is that they are getting more and more creative. It's ...
Design: The Drippy Hypnotic Effects of Tall Painting

Design: The Drippy Hypnotic Effects of Tall Painting

There are so many styles of painting that are popular now. We've written dozens of articles about different techniques; however, this is one I haven' ...
Kinect SwimBrowser: Surf The Internet Doing The Breast Stroke

Kinect SwimBrowser: Surf The Internet Doing The Breast Stroke

We all know what great exercise swimming is. When I first read about this, I thought, "Great! Now we can swim, get exercise and surf the web all at t ...
How To: Make A Planetary Clock For Your Next Trip To Mars

How To: Make A Planetary Clock For Your Next Trip To Mars

I have written a lot of DIY articles on Bit Rebels, but I think this one has the most in-depth tutorial I've ever seen. Alexander Avtanski built a cl ...
The Exorcist & The Social Network Explained In 60 Seconds

The Exorcist & The Social Network Explained In 60 Seconds

It seems like nowadays for every popular movie, you can find a mini version on YouTube. Sometimes it is just a spoof, but if it's well thought out, a ...
SpongeBob Lego Terminator Never Gets Old

SpongeBob Lego Terminator Never Gets Old

Creativity must be the biggest word in the dictionary.  No, really, it must be because there is not another word that fits so many things that we don' ...
Nature Meets Art: Fascinating Steampunk Bugs

Nature Meets Art: Fascinating Steampunk Bugs

We love steampunk on Bit Rebels, and these particular designs are truly brilliant. Surprisingly, there are still many people who are unfamiliar with ...
A Creative, Inspiring Employee Break Room Design

A Creative, Inspiring Employee Break Room Design

It's so refreshing to see more and more companies following the lead of the world's most creative and successful businesses by making the work environ ...
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