Search query: watch

3 Videos Highlighting the Miracle of Nature

3 Videos Highlighting the Miracle of Nature

We love time lapse videos here on bitrebels. Whether we are making them, teaching you how to make them, or finding wicked ones for your viewing pleas ...
Bati – Evolution | Geek Trivia

Bati – Evolution | Geek Trivia

As I kid I grew up with Batman and what a transformation from the old one to the new.   Batman (originally referred to as the Bat-Man or the Batman, ...
How to Correctly Open a Banana – Monkey Style

How to Correctly Open a Banana – Monkey Style

So, it turns out me and everyone I know have opened a Banana the wrong way our entire lives. I have always thought that banana's could only be opened ...
Fashion or green? Concept phones

Fashion or green? Concept phones

Designing for our future lives can get pretty creative and strange (at times). While some focus on using recyclable materials, power-saving energy and ...
Take A Ride In A Glass-Floored Elevator

Take A Ride In A Glass-Floored Elevator

We’ve all been in elevators encased in glass before. The views from some of those elevators are awe-inspiring to say the least. However, when was ...
The World’s Most Beautiful Whales

The World’s Most Beautiful Whales

Since I live about ten minutes away from the largest aquarium in the world, I thought it was only fitting to write an article about my favorite animal ...
Coca Cola Rockets – Awesomeness Defined!

Coca Cola Rockets – Awesomeness Defined!

Who doesn't like Coca Cola? Who doesn't need a Mentos every once in a while? Well, if you put them together you get what's called a "Coca Cola Rocket" ...
Lifesaver Bottle

Lifesaver Bottle

During the twin tragedies of the Asian tsunami and Hurricane Katrina, Ipswich water-treatment expert Michael Pritchard winced helplessly at televised ...
Explaining Twitter to Those Who Don’t Get It

Explaining Twitter to Those Who Don’t Get It

Last weekend I went to a charity event sponsored by a national television show. As I watched the sponsors get up in front of everyone and say, "We thi ...
Small Step for Man, Giant Leap for Google Earth

Small Step for Man, Giant Leap for Google Earth

We all know Google Earth version 5 (introduced in February of this year) is amazing. My favorite part is the separate globe of Mars. The maps are so ...
Facebook Manners 101

Facebook Manners 101

Found this very funny video that was set in the 1930's. Do you have good Facebook manners? Timmy and Alice don't. Watch their bad behavior to learn t ...

Move Over DVR, Internet Streaming Rocks!

I’ve always been a huge fan of TiVo. I’ve upgraded the size of our TiVo hard drive twice, and we now have 523 hours of recording time in basic qua ...
Happy 20th Anniversary Seinfeld!

Happy 20th Anniversary Seinfeld!

“Are you sponge-worthy?” If you understand that question, then you’ll love this article! Since 2009 marks the 20th anniversary of the first e ...
Darth Vader Switched from the Dark side?

Darth Vader Switched from the Dark side?

Is that Darth Vader doing an MC Hammer's 80's "You can't touch this?" Yes you got it right. OMG i had a great time watching this hilarious video. It w ...

5 Very Cool Webcams

I love the idea of webcams, but most of them show very blurry and boring content. I took some time and made a list below of five very cool ones for y ...
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