Search query: web design

7 Online Tools To Create Invoices For Freelancers & Small Businesses

I worked as a freelancer for two years before I entered the advertising world. It takes a lot of hard work to be a freelancer. Your time may be your o ...
Helvetica – Now You Can Have Your Font And Eat It Too

Helvetica – Now You Can Have Your Font And Eat It Too

Everyone loves Helvetica. Even though I'm not a designer, I have seen many of my designer friends fall completely in love with that font. I asked @M ...
FatTag Deluxe: Lets You Tag ANYTHING With An iPhone

FatTag Deluxe: Lets You Tag ANYTHING With An iPhone

Graffiti is one of the coolest yet most illegal activities you can embark on if you're an artist or designer. Of course, there are several types of g ...
Two iPod Touch Prototypes With Camera Surfaces On Ebay

Two iPod Touch Prototypes With Camera Surfaces On Ebay

As if the world wasn't in enough chaos over Apple's monumental loss of the new iPhone model, we're now seeing a flood of new prototypes surfacing on t ...
Rust Stickers – Can They Keep Your Car From Getting Stolen?

Rust Stickers – Can They Keep Your Car From Getting Stolen?

Dominic Wilcox is one of my favorite designers. I've always admired his work. You've probably seen him before. Richard wrote an article about one o ...
10 Ways To Become A Twitter Mega Celebrity

10 Ways To Become A Twitter Mega Celebrity

Twitter has truly changed the game when it comes to social networking fame and fortune. It hasn't really become easier to become a celebrity but the ...
Your First Year on Twitter – 10 Significant Milestones

Your First Year on Twitter – 10 Significant Milestones

I remember the day I got on Twitter for the very first time in March of 2009. It was all so strange to me at first. I don't know how I found @cheth, b ...

2 More Tools to Share Music Online

There are so many online tools now available for geeks like me. I feel that there are more people online now than ever before because of the many thi ...
Magic Windows: Tweet 24/7 Without Getting Exhausted

Magic Windows: Tweet 24/7 Without Getting Exhausted

It's widely known that I am a twitterholic without any regard whatsoever for getting that necessary sleep that everyone is talking about. I have way ...
19 Year Old Builds Insane 3,000 Brick Amy Winehouse Bust

19 Year Old Builds Insane 3,000 Brick Amy Winehouse Bust

When you think about Amy Winehouse, there is a lot of things that come to mind and one of them ain't Lego. Nope, instead it's drug abuse, cigarettes, ...
New Challenge – Solve Your Rubik’s Cube Blindfolded

New Challenge – Solve Your Rubik’s Cube Blindfolded

A few weeks ago we featured an article about a Rubik's cube for the visually impaired. I've always loved the Rubik's cube and it was fun to read abou ...
The Twettle – Will Tweet You When Your Water Boils

The Twettle – Will Tweet You When Your Water Boils

Twitter must have a huge effect on us humans. I mean, it's like we manufacture everything around it and there seems to be no end to all the ideas con ...
Mouth Watering Science Fiction Paper Art – Including DIY Link

Mouth Watering Science Fiction Paper Art – Including DIY Link

You all are the only ones I can say this to because you are geeks like me and you will understand, but when I found out about this information today, ...
Interview: MOJO Themes – Get Your Mojo Right Here

Interview: MOJO Themes – Get Your Mojo Right Here

We all know there's a fair share of WordPress theme shops out the that feed our everyday need for excellence when it comes to blogging and design. Eve ...
How To: Add Tabs on Your FaceBook Page

How To: Add Tabs on Your FaceBook Page

For those of you who are on FaceBook and would love to add a new dimension to your experience or would like to promote some of the things you share wi ...
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