Search query: web design

The Symbian Opera

The Symbian Opera

These days browsers are big talk for those who use the web like some kind of drug deprived addict.  People build up a passionate loyalty to their brow ...
The Best Gifts For Your Geek This Holiday

The Best Gifts For Your Geek This Holiday

It's that time of year again. That time where we all look at the calendar and say "Oh Crap, I have a few weeks to make it seem that I am thoughtful by ...
5 Tips on How to Create an Effective Online Portfolio

5 Tips on How to Create an Effective Online Portfolio

Came across a You Tube video a tablet demo where The  Wonderfactory collaborated with Times Inc on how best to use this piece of gadget called the SI ...

5 Reasons Why You Should Comment on Blog Posts

I read a lot of blogs everyday, specially the ones on design, on technology, on advertising.  When I feel a bit down, I check out the funny blogs, pic ...

What is #FollowFriday on Twitter? Make it Count!

For those new on Twitter and you see on your stream a hashtag #FollowFriday, this is Twitter's day Friday, the time to share with your followers your ...

Follow Sites…Visually!

As I am a Internet fanatic and probably should attend one of those addiction focus groups I wanted to find a faster way to feed my appetite for visual ...
Bloody Alien Lego Man

Bloody Alien Lego Man

I’m in a time warp when my son and I play with Lego’s. When I was a child, I used to love using my imagination to build the most unique Lego creation ...
10 Post Ideas To Give Your Blog A Boost

10 Post Ideas To Give Your Blog A Boost

A few weeks ago I wrote a post called How To: Get Rid of Writer’s Block. As a follow up to that post, I would like to share with you ten blog post id ...
The Complete Guide To Google Wave | Manual

The Complete Guide To Google Wave | Manual

There are so many articles already written about Google Wave, the web-based service, computing platform, and communications protocol designed to merg ...
Exclusive Access To: Artist Misty Belardo

Exclusive Access To: Artist Misty Belardo

When I think about the artistry of Misty Belardo, I think of this quote by Henry Moore: “To be an artist is to believe in life.” Her artwork breathes ...
How To | Promote your Blog

How To | Promote your Blog

Everyone that has started a blog and wanted it to become the next rad thing on the Internet have struggled with the one fact of how to get the word ou ...
What is Google Docs? Do you use them?

What is Google Docs? Do you use them?

I recently discovered Google docs and man was it such a great way to be super productive. Google Docs i s a free, Web-based word processor, spreadshe ...
Android 2.0 Takes On iPhone

Android 2.0 Takes On iPhone

On October 30th, Verizon Wireless is scheduled to release the Verizon Motorola Droid smartphone which will showcase the new version of Google’s much a ...
Photoshop | High Fashion Cross Processing Effect

Photoshop | High Fashion Cross Processing Effect

I usually correct, fix, modify and enhance photos in my daily work in order to make images fit with the designs and color schemes that I implement on ...
Photoshop | Tutorials The Douchebag Way

Photoshop | Tutorials The Douchebag Way

First there was the "Manual" research method to learning Photoshop. It was basically just to pound your head through Photoshop's Manual and just try a ...
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