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Whew! Social Media Saves Valentine’s Day

Whew! Social Media Saves Valentine’s Day

Here we are, it's February 11th. If you have not gotten your sweetie a gift for Valentine's Day yet, it's probably a good time to start thinking abou ...
6 Benefits Of Being Positive On Twitter

6 Benefits Of Being Positive On Twitter

As you know if you follow me, I'm on Twitter everyday.  I love Twitter, I love my friends on Twitter, and I write about Twitter often.  Twitter is a h ...
Facebook Or Twitter: 2010 Study Breaks It Down [Infographic]

Facebook Or Twitter: 2010 Study Breaks It Down [Infographic]

It's been the holy grail of questions for marketers and business owners for quite some time now.  Since running a company limits time for social netwo ...
The Social Media World Before Twitter And Facebook [Infographic]

The Social Media World Before Twitter And Facebook [Infographic]

A world without Twitter or Facebook seems distant and almost non existent. Yet still there was a time, long ago (hrmm..), when they didn't exist. As ...
Why Do Freeways Come To A Stop? [Infographic]

Why Do Freeways Come To A Stop? [Infographic]

I think I speak for pretty much everyone when I say that sometimes when you're on your way home from work, and you're taking the freeway, you have mor ...
The Geeky Etch-A-Sketch Computer

The Geeky Etch-A-Sketch Computer

Martin over at NortHACKton gets the ultimate geek award this week for sure with his etch-a-sketch computer hybrid. According to his website, after se ...
How To: Make A Super Sweet Plastic Skull Doorbell

How To: Make A Super Sweet Plastic Skull Doorbell

Skull art has always been popular. A quick Google search will reveal a ton of really cool art inspired by skulls; however, this is the cutest little ...
Project Space Planes: Geeky Paper Airplanes Fall From Space

Project Space Planes: Geeky Paper Airplanes Fall From Space

What a brilliant promotion sponsored by Samsung. 100 geeky paper airplanes were recently dropped to the earth from space. They were geeky because ea ...
Keyboard Phone: New Revolutionary Concept Cell Phone

Keyboard Phone: New Revolutionary Concept Cell Phone

The way we picture a cell phone has become something of a hybrid of many gadgets.  The main theme that stands out is of course the touch screen and th ...
I Love Stats: Birth Rate Statistics For The USA [Infographic]

I Love Stats: Birth Rate Statistics For The USA [Infographic]

Ever since I watched Hans Rosling's "The Joy of Stats," I've been thinking more about our world statistics and population. If you haven't seen it, I ...
Tablet Wars: A Complete Brand Comparison [Infographic]

Tablet Wars: A Complete Brand Comparison [Infographic]

While everyone is talking about the next big thing, there is a silent but very public war going on.  It's been called the "Tablet War."  Every develop ...
Smell Like A Geek: Two Geeky Scents To Start Your Day

Smell Like A Geek: Two Geeky Scents To Start Your Day

When I first wake up in the morning and before I go to bed at night, I make sure I take my bath.  It always feels good to be clean and smelling really ...
UPS vs. FedEx: Surprising Stats Compared [Infographic]

UPS vs. FedEx: Surprising Stats Compared [Infographic]

Every other day or so I get a shipment from some producer, publisher or as of lately, someone who wants Bit Rebels to review their gadgets.  As you mi ...
Flex Display Phone: Makes Today’s Cell Phones Look Lame

Flex Display Phone: Makes Today’s Cell Phones Look Lame

We have stated many times that the cell phones we have today are dramatically going to change as soon as new technology gets released.  The OLED scree ...
Extreme Rock Paper Scissors: 4 New Throws To Spice It Up!

Extreme Rock Paper Scissors: 4 New Throws To Spice It Up!

I know this might be a little bit painful to think about, but do you remember back when we didn't have smartphones? Those were the days when a mobile ...
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