Search query: work

A Creative, Inspiring Employee Break Room Design

A Creative, Inspiring Employee Break Room Design

It's so refreshing to see more and more companies following the lead of the world's most creative and successful businesses by making the work environ ...
Photography: A Unique Indiana Jones and Lego Experience

Photography: A Unique Indiana Jones and Lego Experience

Since all of us at Bit Rebels are such die hard Star Wars fans, we write about those movies a lot. We are also starting to write more about Star Trek ...
The Ultimate Visual Color Theory Guide Behind Brand Design

The Ultimate Visual Color Theory Guide Behind Brand Design

When starting a business, there are plenty of aspects to take into consideration.  First you should of course have a great idea that you are ready to ...
Facebook’s Geekiest Profile Avatars

Facebook’s Geekiest Profile Avatars

In a world where everything seems to revolve around social networking services, it's a constant search for the ultimate profile.  We look for that one ...
Learn How To Help The Environment On Facebook

Learn How To Help The Environment On Facebook

People often ask me, "What do you really do for a living?"  I usually tell them that I work in an advertising agency.  I am part of a team that does d ...
Star Wars Coasters To Geekify Your Brewski

Star Wars Coasters To Geekify Your Brewski

If you're one of those people who really is fanatically obsessed with not having stains on your table after you've set down a bottle of beer, soda or ...
The Impact New Technologies Will Have On Human Evolution

The Impact New Technologies Will Have On Human Evolution

Since new technologies are being released every day it seems, we are spending more and more time at our computers each day. Although I think few peop ...
Extinction Timeline: Everything Has An Expiration Date

Extinction Timeline: Everything Has An Expiration Date

No matter how much we try, there will always be an expiration date for pretty much everything.  Even time itself seems to have an ending date, even th ...
The Book Printer: A Traveler’s Dream For Mobile Devices

The Book Printer: A Traveler’s Dream For Mobile Devices

The choices, when it comes to mobile printers, aren't exactly unlimited.  I could probably count the ones that we could really call mobile on one hand ...
If You’re Too Busy For A Real Wife, Choose A Virtual Wife

If You’re Too Busy For A Real Wife, Choose A Virtual Wife

If you are a single geek guy, and you work a lot, you might think you don't have time for a wife. You might wish you weren't single, but at the same ...
The Geek Way To Keep Your Hands Toasty Warm

The Geek Way To Keep Your Hands Toasty Warm

I don't know about you, but my hands have basically been cold nonstop for four months. I've been freezing my butt (and hands) off this season, and I'v ...
iPhone Nano Mockup Design: Apple’s Got Balls After All

iPhone Nano Mockup Design: Apple’s Got Balls After All

We've all been reading about the iPhone Nano rumors for a while. Since it's referred to as the "cheaper version" of the iPhone, I thought the rumors ...
Turn A Boring IKEA Table Into A Kick Ass Lego Table

Turn A Boring IKEA Table Into A Kick Ass Lego Table

I stopped shopping at IKEA years ago. Their furniture is kind of like Ramen Noodles. It is fabulously awesome during a certain phase of life, but af ...
Architecture Slide: Another Reason To Stay Young Forever

Architecture Slide: Another Reason To Stay Young Forever

Around a couple years ago, we started seeing posts and articles on pretty much every blog and website about multinational companies and their offices ...
Write A Note Or Article Easily With QuietWrite

Write A Note Or Article Easily With QuietWrite

I like writing when I am at home and everything is quiet, and I can think.  I just grab something cold to drink, jump on my bed, open my computer, and ...
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