Search query: work

Will It Fly? – Dude Reverse Engineers Mayan Space Vehicle

Will It Fly? – Dude Reverse Engineers Mayan Space Vehicle

How many times have we heard about the end of the world, and how many times has it been depicted in movies and songs? I'd say too many, but that isn' ...
23 Ingenious and Artistic 404 Error Pages – Design Inspiration

23 Ingenious and Artistic 404 Error Pages – Design Inspiration

I am not a designer, but I have a deep appreciation for creative and inspiring designs. I work with designers, marketing departments and creative peop ...
Human Landscapes: If Your Skin Grows Moss And Cows

Human Landscapes: If Your Skin Grows Moss And Cows

We've posted quite a lot of odd things here on Bit Rebels, and we're not about to stop anytime soon. Everything from sketches to furniture has been d ...
txtBomber: Print Your Guerrilla Marketing On Any Wall

txtBomber: Print Your Guerrilla Marketing On Any Wall

Remember those matrix printers that were popular during the 80's? It sounded like it was going to drill a hole into your skull every time you started ...
Disk-it: The Most Creative Post-It Notes Ever

Disk-it: The Most Creative Post-It Notes Ever

Everyone is familiar with post-it notes. If you're not, then you must seriously be from another planet or even another galaxy. To date, there have p ...
Stunning Lexus: The Two Thousand And Future Model

Stunning Lexus: The Two Thousand And Future Model

With the world still recuperating from the economic collapse, it's not really on everyone's mind to buy the latest kind of new car. Pretty much every ...
iPhone OS 4.0 To Include Gmail Archive Feature In Mail App

iPhone OS 4.0 To Include Gmail Archive Feature In Mail App

Millions of people use Gmail each and every day. It's a highly enhanced and easy to use interface and its availability makes it one of the best email ...
Smartphone Domino: What The iPhone Couldn’t Do

Smartphone Domino: What The iPhone Couldn’t Do

Do you have an abundance of smartphones laying around? Are they just too awkward and non interesting to use in comparison to your iPhone? There is a ...
Adobe Photoshop CS5: The First Review

Adobe Photoshop CS5: The First Review

Every designer has been waiting for the new Adobe Photoshop CS5 to see what it has to offer. There has yet to be a nice review of this new and update ...
Play Music With Your Shoes!

Play Music With Your Shoes!

Music serves as an inspiration for a lot of people including yours truly. I really enjoy listening to music when I work. It gives me the boost of in ...
Steve Jobs Unofficial Response To Gizmodo’s iPhone 4G Stunt

Steve Jobs Unofficial Response To Gizmodo’s iPhone 4G Stunt

It seems there is no end to the things that people are saying about the next generation iPhone leak. Gizmodo seems to have a million articles about th ...

How To Remain Alert With Very Little Caffeine!

I was in the elevator the other day with a co-worker (Carmela Quirino), and we were discussing that she has to limit her caffeine intake due to hyper- ...
Interview: Paymo – When Time Tracking Gets Serious

Interview: Paymo – When Time Tracking Gets Serious

As a freelance designer, I know the importance of accurately and continuously tracking time to know exactly how much I am going to charge the client w ...
How To: Add a Camera to Your iPad

How To: Add a Camera to Your iPad

Many people have complained that the iPad lacks a lot of things. This includes a flash memory slot, USB outputs and a camera just to name a few. App ...
Crazy Creative and Clever Cassette Tape Art

Crazy Creative and Clever Cassette Tape Art

Remember cassette tapes from way back when? I'm so young that I can barely remember those (cough cough), but I have a vague recollection. This com ...
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