Tag: android
![Android vs. iOS: Which Users Are More Social? [Infographic] Android vs. iOS: Which Users Are More Social? [Infographic]](https://bitrebels.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/android-vs-ios-infographic.jpg)
Android vs. iOS: Which Users Are More Social? [Infographic]
For years now, people have jokingly compared Android users with iOS users. I remember a couple years ago I published the results of a study which reve ...

Pocket Printer For Photographers Now A Reality From LG
And so it has finally arrived! It's the one thing that all photographers on the road wish they had access to pretty much on a daily basis. When you've ...

Star Wars R2-D2 Coffee Mug With Lid For The Caffeinated Geek
It's Monday, and you are all out of inspiration. You'll have to get through the whole work week before you once again get to relax and do whatever it ...

Apple Released A New iPhone, So Now What?
I woke up Wednesday morning to the furor of Apple’s new iPhone launch, and I wasn’t necessarily overly excited to hear the news – I’ve become a little ...
Move Over George Jetson, The Future Is Now (Mobile Video Chat)
I don't know about you, but there were two pieces of technology on the Jetsons that used to make me drool: flying cars and video calls - although now, ...
Leafsnap App: It Would Make Darwin Drool
Categorizing and classifying: these are the sorts of things that taxonomists are good at. While the rest of us may be able to sort our clothes by bran ...
Manage Your Data With AirDroid
If you are like me, you probably ended up waiting a long time for the iPhone to be available on your carrier's network. When the time came to upgrade ...
X-Ray iPad App: This Time It’s For Real
Oh Lord, here we go again! It's another application that claims it will favor the voyeuristic tendencies in your life. We have heard it all before, ri ...
Lookout Labs Introduces Mobile Threat Tracker
Mobile operating systems have become a playground for hackers looking to steal personal information. Until now, it's been difficult for ordinary smart ...
Study: iPhone, Android & BlackBerry Users Ranked On Optimism
Think about all the iPhone and iPad users you know. Now think about the Android and BlackBerry users you know. Which group is the happiest, most fun, ...
Eye-Controlled Smartphones: Surf & Play Games With Your Eyes
This is one of those things that we knew was coming, it was all only a matter of time. About a year ago, Richard wrote about the people at Waterloo La ...
i-Helicopter: Turbo Charged iPhone Remote Control Helicopter
There are so many fun smartphone apps and games available today to entertain us that I'm surprised some people still watch television regularly. I don ...
Tech Propaganda Posters Designed In WWII Style
Propaganda posters are so much fun, especially when they are designed like they are from the WWII era. That old-timey feel paired with what's current ...
What You Text vs. What I See [Humor]
Texting is really strange when you think about it. Just yesterday I was standing in line at a store, and there was a group of four or five teenagers i ...
You’ll Never Guess What We’ll Give Up For Our Smartphones!
Wow, this is a sensitive subject, isn't it? Nobody wants to admit they would pick their smartphone over some of life's sweetest pleasures if they had ...