Tag: diet

6 Natural Fat Burners To Get Rid Of Those Extra Pounds
As we’ve gone through the summer, you might have noticed that you still have some extra pounds on you that you’d love to get rid of. However, no matte ...

2-Week Weight Loss Plan That Comes With A No Nonsense Guarantee
Most dieticians and nutritionists suggest that it is not safe or healthy to lose more than 1-2 pounds of weight in a week. Unfortunately, losing weigh ...

Unscrambling The Question – Should Eggs Be A Part Of A Healthy Diet?
Much controversy has recently been involved with the food many of us all enjoy. Yes, eggs. They can be cooked in a variety of ways, from fried to poac ...

Wi-Fi Enabled Tooth Sensor Knows If You Cheat On Your Diet
When you think about it, when it comes to addiction, many of our vices enter our bodies through our mouths (alcohol, food, smoking, etc.). Wouldn't it ...
Fooducate App Educates You About What Is Really In The Food You Buy
Are you trying to change your diet and exercise habits in hopes of shedding a few pounds this summer? Perhaps you are looking for healthy substitutes ...
That’s One Way To Do It…Home Stomach Pumping Weight Loss Device
If you are overweight and have trouble pushing back from the table, this new device might be just the solution you need to help you drop those extra p ...
The Ultimate Scale That Out Scales All Other Scales
Here on Bit Rebels we've reviewed scales (mostly mean ones) before, but honestly, I don't think we've ever seen anything quite like this. Truthfully, ...
Our Wants vs. Our Needs: 12 Creative Illustrations
Have you ever stopped to think about how much junk you have in your life that you don't need? As much as I try to keep my own life very simple, even r ...
Chocolate Covered Deep Fried Triple Double Oreos
Oh. My. Gosh. In case you've been living under a rock, you may not know that last month Triple Double Oreos hit the shelves at the supermarket. I've n ...
14 Not So Sweet Facts About Sugar
There has been a lot of controversy about sugar over the past few decades. Among other things, we've heard that eating too much sugar causes diabetes. ...
Movie Snack Breakdown: The Scary Truth
I bet you are a frequent movie goer if you are reading this. Why else would you want to know anything about movie snacks, right? Oh wait, you could of ...
Gross Foods That You Want To Eat Anyway [Infographic]
There are foods out there that I wouldn't even go near even if my life depended on it. Well, maybe not that, but if I had a choice, I would rather hav ...

Food Experiment: He Ate Only Candy For A Whole Week
I'm not a big candy eater because I'm not a fan of rotting out my teeth; however, I know a lot of people who love that sweet stuff. Have you ever won ...

The Soda Pop Swimming Pool: Would You Swim In It?
I love Diet Dr. Pepper. I drink three or four of them each day. I don't drink any other kind of soda pop. The question is, do I love it enough to s ...

McDonald’s – How It Works In Pictures
Have you ever been behind the counter in a McDonald's to see how it all works? When I was in high school, I worked the drive thru window at Wendy's, ...