Tag: Original

Telephone Bag: Quite Possibly The First Mobile Phone Ever
Have you ever wondered what came before mobile phones? There had to be something that inspired people to create a phone which could be portable. Whate ...

When A Citroén Looks Like This I am Getting One…
It's become such a stereotyped thing, but everyone knows boys like cars and girls like shoes. I know, it's pretty lame really that I even have to type ...

Drainage Tube Hotel: Next Generation Recycled Living
The space we occupy in this physical world is getting ever smaller while the space we take up virtually is getting ever larger. It's quite interesting ...

Cork Portraits: “Put A Cork In It” Gets A Whole New Meaning
The materials used to create art just 20 years ago were limited to pretty much a brush, some color and of course the canvas. However, as we've grown m ...
Embroidered Car Doors: The Softer Side Of Your Car
There are some really odd people out there with some amazing minds. Their creativity seems to know no boundaries, and whatever they come up with, you ...
Impressive Fable Pixel Wildlife World Art
We all know that great artists have a great imagination. Whatever they create has a huge and impressive mix of reality and fiction. Some of the most s ...
Lip Painter: Marilyn Monroe Portrait Painted Using Lips
In a world where so many things are unusual, there is no limit to what you can come up with to impress people or even just to throw everything ordinar ...
Mind Blowing Ukulele Cover Of Billie Jean
One of the world's most hit song generating artists was Michael Jackson, and even though he died, there are still some expectations for the material M ...
Screw Art: Stunning Approach To Making Portraits
I am really a sucker for odd art it seems. I tend to get moderately excited about even when getting a peek at the real Mona Lisa, but when I suddenly ...
34 Amazing Original Star Wars Storyboard Illustrations
I haven't watched any of the original Star Wars movies for a while, and as a matter of fact, I haven't even thought about them either. Whether that is ...
This Smooth Criminal Cover Will Mess With Your Head
Growing up I listened to my share of Michael Jackson (bless his soul) songs and became mesmerized by the lyrics just like everyone else. His songs hav ...
Bibliophilism: The Rug Made Out Of Books
The unusual creations people put up at home, or design themselves for a more personalized home, are beyond amazing sometimes. Some people even go beyo ...
Game Boy Music: But Not The Kind We’re Used To
Writing and producing music has a lot of facets that most people are unaware of. There are several procedures that you do to get the sounds, instrumen ...
Original Ads: Segway Has Finally Gone Medieval On Us
Yesterday I got so tired of the way that TV commercials always go to the extreme to sound "legit" that I decided to push the power off button and star ...
Posters: Apparently Star Wars Was Very Different In Hungary
I love it when people add some creativity to what otherwise would be the usual ordinary thing. It's like a gust of fresh air. Sure, if it's too out ...