Tag: pocket

Have You Ever Wondered What Fried Beer Tastes Like?
I like fried chicken, well I like anything fried really, especially when it comes to home cooked meals that my mom prepares for us. She has a certain ...

The Freaky Toy That Will Help Children Deal With Fears
As a child, you can never be sure anyone can keep a secret. Sharing your fears and troubles with someone might seem scary and sometimes just not the ...

Candwich – Canned Sandwich For The Lazy
Have you ever been too lazy to go to the kitchen to fix yourself something to eat? Most of the time when we are just a little hungry we tend to go fo ...

Fanatical Bubble Wrap Poppers – This Is For You!
What is it with our bubble wrap fascination? I just had a package delivered a few minutes ago, and my son and I both grabbed pieces of bubble wrap to ...
Clip-On USB Memory Stick – Perfect For Traveling Geeks!
I am sure that we all need one more USB stick to add to our already huge collection, right? I mean, for heavens sake, we get them for free at events, ...
Here’s The First Social Networking Robot!
Once again, the Japanese people are way ahead of us all. Just when we thought we had caught up with the technology and the stream of Internet ideas, ...
iPad Sprocket: The iPad Makes A Great Brake Light
There are many uses for an iPad, some which you may not have thought of. Sure, it has apps for pretty much everything that you can imagine, yet it se ...
Portable Wikipedia – WikiReader Makes You Oracle Of Everything
I am seriously starting to believe that there is a gadget or an app for everything. You see, when you read through hundreds of articles each day, and ...
Wow, I Have a Stick Printer in My Pocket!
This week has been full of wonders of the world and new gadgets and I am excited and thrilled by the sheer load of things that are coming our way in t ...
Pocket Light | Flat Light Bulb for special moments!
If I would have gotten a dollar for every time I wish I had some kind of light source around while being in the dark I would have been a rich man toda ...
Safety Against the “Silent Killer”
No one really pays so much attention to CO (Carbon Monoxide) poisoning. But its a threat that have claimed lives. This invisible gas can kill in jus ...
Pocket Projector for iPhone
Thanks to technology, now there is no need to carry bulky projectors for meetings and presentations. Now there is the PhotoSuit Mili iPhone/iPod Pro ...