Tag: Wear

Men’s Microtrends For 2017 – Which Ones Are Here To Stay?
Microtrends are generally picked up by those popular influencers and adopted for a brief period of time before being flung to the side to try out the ...

Plant-Growing Maternity Vest For People Who Love Their Plants
I never stop marveling over the weird stuff people continuously come up with. We have covered quite a lot of that stuff here on Bit Rebels. The creati ...

Powered Jacket: First Commercial Exoskeleton To Be Released In Japan
The world is in a state of constant change. We've all heard the predictions of people having robot housekeepers, and how we'll prefect them into all k ...

LED Tie Automatically Plays Tetris For Everyone To See
Every once in a while we all like to look spiffy for special occasions. There are various ways to look sharp, and it's up to everyone's preference. Th ...
Creative LEGO Wedding Dress Is The Ultimate Geek Wedding Wear
It's summer, and there are a lot of people who have plans to get married. Geek weddings usually look a lot different compared to ordinary weddings. We ...
Turn Signal Bike Gloves Use LED Lights For Visibility
There are too many bikers that end up in a ditch because they don't have the right cycling gear to make themselves visible or because of unaware drive ...
Smart Belt Keeps Your Credit Cards & Valuables Safe
I think I read about pickpocket thieves at least once a week these days. They are spreading and certainly creating havoc in unsuspecting people's live ...
Social Jeans: Blue Jeans With Twitter & Facebook Built Right In
How addicted are you to social media? I mean, for real. Do you think it's enough to have Twitter and Facebook on your smartphone or would you like it ...
Paper Bag Jacket For The Environmentally Aware
When you think about recycling, what image pops into your head? I doubt it has anything to do with clothes, right? I guess it is the same for everyone ...
Wearable Mouse Now Available For Ultra Casual Browsing
I bet when you are sitting at your office desk browsing away on your computer, you sometimes wish there was a simpler and more casual way of doing you ...
Disco Fever Catsuit For Attention Seeking Clubbers
It's Friday today, and that means I have to find something to write about that marries well with what people are doing today. Well, I don't have to, b ...
Future T-Shirts Will Apparently Be Made Out Of Wood
One of the most popular things people buy online are t-shirts. There are countless websites on the Internet that offer cool, quirky, odd, cute, romant ...
Carpet Surf Like A Boss With These Carpet Skate Flip-Flops
It's Sunday, and the list of things to do seems to be just a tad shorter than usual on these kind of days. I don't think it has anything to do with th ...
Looking Sharp While Sleeping Is Pimp Easy With The Suitjamas
If you are someone who is continuously looking for ways to look sharp while you are asleep, you know there aren't too many things to choose from, righ ...
Plastic Bag Converse Sneakers For Festival Fanatics
There are a lot of festivals around the world each year. Since festivals are usually outside, some are in the scorching heat, and others endure heavy ...