Category: Lifestyle - Page 244

Improve The Relationship Between You & Your Plants

Improve The Relationship Between You & Your Plants

Does music help your plants grow faster? It's the age-old question. Many farmers claim that music does have an effect on the growth of their plants. ...
The Green House Effect: Totally Different From What You Think!

The Green House Effect: Totally Different From What You Think!

I think that everyone has heard about the Green House Effect by now, and it's affecting us all in one way or another. Some people and scientists blame ...
Meet The Woman Who Is Allergic To Money (Really!)

Meet The Woman Who Is Allergic To Money (Really!)

I understand how serious allergies can be. I went through a stage in my life where I had to get several shots each week because of my allergies, so I ...
Want Larger Breasts? Just Chew This Gum!

Want Larger Breasts? Just Chew This Gum!

This makes me giggle. A lot. I want to be careful how I word this because there are women all over the Internet that claim this gum works, but... um ...
The Ultimate In Geek Style: Star Wars Jedi Bathrobe

The Ultimate In Geek Style: Star Wars Jedi Bathrobe

I am a bathrobe snob. I like them big, fluffy, cozy and plush. I have a beautiful white bathrobe that I put on when I get out of the shower every da ...
Lady Gaga Fashion: Wear The Baconized Tie And Get The Stares!

Lady Gaga Fashion: Wear The Baconized Tie And Get The Stares!

Alright, there is no arguing that Lady Gaga is out to make an impression, whatever impression possible really. She's one of the few female artists th ...
Take A Rare Look At The Inside Of A Volcano

Take A Rare Look At The Inside Of A Volcano

Do you ever watch extreme weather on television and wonder what posses those reporters to stand in the middle of, for example, a hurricane with a micr ...
Holiday Gift Idea: $15,000 Edible Gingerbread House

Holiday Gift Idea: $15,000 Edible Gingerbread House

A few days ago Neiman Marcus released their 84th annual Christmas Book. In case you are unfamiliar with this fabulous holiday book, let me describe i ...
How To: Read The Signals Your Pet Cat Makes!

How To: Read The Signals Your Pet Cat Makes!

Everyone who reads my articles or my tweets knows that I love cats. We have 20+ of them at home. We treat them like members of our family. Having p ...
10 Remarkable Jello Shot Designs

10 Remarkable Jello Shot Designs

I've never actually tasted a Jello shot. However, I was a cocktail waitress when I was attending University, and I remember making red, orange and gr ...
Dancing Flight Attendants Wow Passengers!

Dancing Flight Attendants Wow Passengers!

I really like to travel! I enjoy visiting other countries and learning about other people's culture and traditions. Of course, when we travel, one o ...

The 5 Characteristics of a Happy Person!

Are you happy? Do you often encounter people who, no matter what their circumstances, are almost always happy? All of us experience moments of sadness ...
The Rainbow Cocktail Shots: Can You Explain It?

The Rainbow Cocktail Shots: Can You Explain It?

Ordering a nice drink can be quite a task if you do not know what you want. I mean, checking through long lists of drinks doesn't really look impress ...
Magic The Gathering Dress: Nothing Says Geek Quite Like This!

Magic The Gathering Dress: Nothing Says Geek Quite Like This!

I bet when we all think about geeks, we most certainly think about those bulky glasses and the straight stuffy shirts with the odd patterns. However, ...
Make A Delicious Yoda Cake: Help You, I Can

Make A Delicious Yoda Cake: Help You, I Can

One of my favorite kinds of cake is red velvet, and of course my favorite Star Wars character is Yoda. Seeing them combined in this delicious dessert ...
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