Category: Lifestyle - Page 243
The United States of Awesome and Shame [Infographic]
If you live in the United States like I do, you know that some states do things more or less than other states. For example, I live in the south, whi ...
Egypt: A Nation Forced Offline
Since this is not a political blog, we don't usually write about what happens in the governments around the world. However, we do write about social ...
A Wedding In Cold Water: Would You Get Married Here?
When you spend all day surfing the Internet looking for interesting material, like I do, you come across some pretty unusual things that people do. I ...
Add Some Happy Sunshine To Your Life Today!
If there is one thing I will always remember about the winter of 2011, it will be the unseasonably cold weather. Here in the south, we aren't used to ...
Help the Homeless & the Environment with Plastic Bags
We are very passionate about helping homeless men, women and children. It's hard to imagine what being homeless would be like unless we are put in th ...
36 Facebook T-Shirts To Match Your Status Update
The Facebook phenomenon started a whole world, and it doesn't seem to be ending anytime soon. The fact that over six hundred million people now are o ...
Most Children Learn Computer Skills Before Life Skills
This is very interesting to me. It hits home because when I saw my sister and her three-year-old son a month ago, I noticed something that seemed a l ...
Global Entrepreneurial Costs & Success Rates [Infographic]
We have a lot of freelance designers, developers, artists, startup professionals and other entrepreneurs that visit Bit Rebels daily. Many creative p ...
Bleeding Heart Cake: Perfect Gift Idea For Your Valentine
With Valentine's Day coming up in a short yet distant while, you have probably started thinking about what in the world you could give your loved one ...
The Internet Is A Dangerous Place…
The Internet has become a prime target for people out to cause you harm and contact you with malicious intent. Organizations around the world are fur ...
Liquid Money Cologne: Smell Like Printed Money
As you know, we live in a money-obsessed world these days. The division between the classes is getting greater and greater as everyone tries to answe ...
Office Kitchen Politics: Does This Happen At Your Office?
The other day I wrote an article about laziness in the workplace. It was really funny to see how many people in Corporate America spend their time du ...
How Lazy Are We At Work? [Infographic]
One reason I'm an entrepreneur is because if I worked for someone else, I'd probably get fired my first week. After all, I like to get on Twitter and ...
Science: He Wore Jeans For 15 Months Without Washing Them
I know you are probably wondering how this article can be about science, but trust me, wearing jeans for 15 months without washing them is as much a s ...
A Heavenly McDonald’s French Fry Skull
Of all the fast food restaurants you can think of, wouldn't you agree that McDonald's has the best french fries? McDonald's french fries are the only ...