Category: Lifestyle - Page 250

Creative Eggs and Toast – Breakfast Inspiration

Creative Eggs and Toast – Breakfast Inspiration

We always hear about the importance of eating breakfast, yet it is still one of those meals that is just easier to skip. For me, a cup of coffee or h ...
Lure Your Kitten To Play With Bubble Catnip

Lure Your Kitten To Play With Bubble Catnip

Sometimes people ask me, "What is the one thing that most people do not know about you?" My answer is always, "We have 19 cats." Well, technically, ...
This Rooftop Pool Is A Deadly Swim!

This Rooftop Pool Is A Deadly Swim!

I never thought I'd say this, but I am actually scared of swimming in a pool. Yeah I know, it's odd and very lame if you just reference those words i ...
Burgers Made With Killer Snakes – Nom Nom!

Burgers Made With Killer Snakes – Nom Nom!

Here in the States, we've all seen the horrible pictures showing how some places prepare chicken wings, right? It's shocking and disgusting; yet we e ...
An Aluminum Can Romance With A Happy Ending!

An Aluminum Can Romance With A Happy Ending!

I wrote an article about a zombie wedding a few days ago. It was interesting and fun, but I have to admit, I think this story beats that one hands do ...
A Fun Way To Serve Drinks

A Fun Way To Serve Drinks

When it is very hot outside, it's always nice to drink lots and lots of liquids. I have to confess I have this habit of spilling my drink when I sip ...
How To: Mend A Broken Heart

How To: Mend A Broken Heart

People have been coming up to me and telling me how much strength I have. Well, to be quite honest, I am just like any other person who has gone thro ...
Do You Want to Sleep Better? – This Can Help

Do You Want to Sleep Better? – This Can Help

If you have insomnia, then you know how hard it is to make yourself fall sleep. Even if you do not have insomnia, if you are the type of person who w ...
Downsizing Life – The House The Size Of A Parking Space

Downsizing Life – The House The Size Of A Parking Space

We've seen a lot of wild and crazy houses, haven't we? After all, there is that woman who is building a house made from an old airplane, there is my ...
New Food Trend – Pizza in a Cone (NYC)

New Food Trend – Pizza in a Cone (NYC)

I'm definitely a foodie because I've written about everything from the most heavenly ice cream sundae ever made to that disgusting KFC Double Down san ...
Urban Beautification – How To Make The World A Better Place

Urban Beautification – How To Make The World A Better Place

I don't know what started it, but I am one of those "odd" people that continuously thinks about how the world could be a better place. I honestly and ...
Star Wars Fashions – Darth Vader Never Looked So Chic!

Star Wars Fashions – Darth Vader Never Looked So Chic!

We've seen Star Wars incorporated into so many different aspects of our lives. However, I've never seen trendy Star Wars fashions before, well, unles ...
The Father’s Day Card Luke and Leia Gave Darth Vader

The Father’s Day Card Luke and Leia Gave Darth Vader

I guess it was only a matter of time before someone came up with a way to incorporate Star Wars into the Father's Day celebration. It's not exactly t ...
We Are All Connected And Have Kindred Spirits!

We Are All Connected And Have Kindred Spirits!

Losing a loved one is very hard physically and emotionally. It can really make you wonder, "What now?" So many questions can fill your mind like, "Why ...
A Tribute To That Special Man In Our Life – Our Dad!

A Tribute To That Special Man In Our Life – Our Dad!

It's Father's Day again. I think the person who started the tradition loved her dad very much! I think it's a great idea to have a special day for a ...
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